Common Facilities

This section covers additional messaging interfaces used by the common, point-to-point and publish-and-subscribe messaging APIs.


This type of object is obtained from a Connection, TopicConnection, or QueueConnection object. It provides information describing the JMS connection and the JMS provider. Information available includes the identity of the JMS provider, the JMS version supported by the provider, JMS provider version numbers, and the JMS properties supported:

public interface ConnectionMetaData {
    public int getJMSMajorVersion() throws JMSException;
    public int getJMSMinorVersion() throws JMSException;
    public String getJMSProviderName() throws JMSException; 
    public String getJMSVersion() throws JMSException; 
    public Enumeration getJMSXPropertyNames() throws JMSException; 
    public int getProviderMajorVersion() throws JMSException; 
    public int getProviderMinorVersion() throws JMSException; 
    public String getProviderVersion() throws JMSException;


This class contains two final static variables, PERSISTENT and NON_PERSISTENT. These variables are used when establishing the delivery mode of a MessageProducer, TopicPublisher, or QueueSender.

There are two types of delivery modes in JMS: persistent and nonpersistent. A persistent message should be delivered once-and-only-once, which means that a message is not lost if the JMS provider fails; it will be delivered after the server recovers. A nonpersistent message is delivered at-most-once, which ...

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