
keytool — Key and Certificate Management Tool


keytool command 


keytool manages and manipulates a keystore , a repository for public and private keys and public key certificates. keytool defines various commands for generating keys, importing data into the keystore, and exporting and displaying keystore data. Keys and certificates are stored in a keystore using a case-insensitive name or alias. keytool uses this alias to refer to a key or certificate.

The first option to keytool always specifies the basic command to be performed. Subsequent options provide details about how the command is to be performed. Only the command must be specified. If a command requires an option that does not have a default value, keytool prompts you interactively for the value.



Generates a certificate signing request in PKCS#10 format for the specified alias. The request is written to the specified file or to the standard output stream. The request should be sent to a certificate authority (CA), which authenticates the requestor and sends back a signed certificate authenticating the requestor’s public key. This signed certificate can then be imported into the keystore with the -import command. This command uses the following options: -alias, -file, -keypass, -keystore, -sigalg, -storepass, -storetype, and -v.


Deletes a specified alias from a specified keystore. This command uses the following options: -alias, -keystore, -storepass, -storetype ...

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