Book description
For courses in introductory Computer Science courses using Java, and other introductory programming courses in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, CIS, MIS, IT, and Business.
A Concise, Accessible Introduction to Java Programming
Ideal for a wide range of introductory computer science applications, Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, 8th Edition introduces readers to object-oriented programming and important concepts such as design, testing and debugging, programming style, interfaces and inheritance, and exception handling. A concise, accessible introduction to Java, the text covers key Java language features in a manner that resonates with introductory programmers. Objects are covered early and thoroughly in the text. The author’s tried-and-true pedagogy incorporates numerous case studies, programming examples, and programming tips, while flexibility charts and optional graphics sections allow readers to review chapters and sections based on their needs. This 8th Edition incorporates new examples, updated material, and revisions.
Also available with MyLab Programming
MyLab™ Programming is an online learning system designed to engage students and improve results. MyLab Programming consists of programming exercises correlated to the concepts and objectives in this book. Through practice exercises and immediate, personalized feedback, MyLab Programming improves the programming competence of beginning students who often struggle with the basic concepts of programming languages.
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab™ Programming does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Programming , ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
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Table of contents
- Java™ An Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming
- Java™ An Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming
Preface for Instructors
- Changes in This Edition
- Latest Java Coverage
- Flexibility
- Early Graphics
- Coverage of Problem-Solving and Programming Techniques
- Early Introduction to Classes
- Generic Programming
- Language Details and Sample Code
- Self-Test Questions
- Exercises and Programming Projects
- Support Material
- Online Practice and Assessment with MyProgrammingLab
- VideoNotes
- Contact Us
- Preface for Students
- Dependency Chart
- Features of This Text
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- 1 Introduction to Computers and Java
2 Basic Computation
- Objectives
- Prerequisites
2.1 Variables and Expressions
- Variables
- Data Types
- Java Identifiers
- Assignment Statements
- Simple Input
- Simple Screen Output
- Constants
- Named Constants
- Assignment Compatibilities
- Type Casting
- Self-Test Questions
- Arithmetic Operators
- Parentheses and Precedence Rules
- Specialized Assignment Operators
- Self-Test Questions
- Self-Test Question
- Increment and Decrement Operators
- More About the Increment and Decrement Operators
- Self-Test Question
- 2.2 The Class String
- 2.3 Keyboard and Screen I/O
- 2.4 Documentation and Style
- 2.5 Graphics Supplement
- Chapter Summary
- Practice Programs
- Programming Projects
3 Flow of Control: Branching
- Objectives
- Prerequisites
- 3.1 The if-else Statement
- 3.2 The Type boolean
- 3.3 The switch Statement
- 3.4 Graphics Supplement
- Chapter Summary
- Practice Programs
- Programming Projects
4 Flow of Control: Loops
- Objectives
- Prerequisites
- 4.1 Java Loop Statements
- 4.2 Programming with Loops
- 4.3 Graphics Supplement
- Chapter Summary
- Practice Programs
- Programming Projects
- 5 Defining Classes and Methods
- 6 More About Objects and Methods
- 7 Arrays
- 8 Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Interfaces
- 9 Exception Handling
10 Streams, File I/O, and Networking
- Objectives
- Prerequisites
- 10.1 An Overview of Streams and File I/O
- 10.2 Text-File I/O
- 10.3 Techniques for Any File
- 10.4 Basic Binary-File I/O
- 10.5 Binary-File I/O with Objects and Arrays
- 10.6 Network Communication with Streams
- 10.7 Graphics Supplement
- Chapter Summary
- Practice Programs
- Programming Projects
- 11 Recursion
12 Dynamic Data Structures and Generics
- Objectives
- Prerequisites
- 12.1 Array-Based Data Structures
- 12.2 The Java Collections Framework
12.3 Linked Data Structures
- The Class LinkedList
- Self-Test Question
- Linked Lists
- Implementing the Operations of a Linked List
- Self-Test Questions
- A Privacy Leak
- Inner Classes
- Node Inner Classes
- Iterators
- Self-Test Questions
- The Java Iterator Interface
- Exception Handling with Linked Lists
- Self-Test Questions
- Variations on a Linked List
- Other Linked Data Structures
- 12.4 Generics
- 12.5 Graphics Supplement
- Chapter Summary
- Practice Programs
- Programming Projects
- Appendix 1 Getting Java
- Appendix 2 Running Applets
- Appendix 3 Protected and Package Modifiers
- Appendix 4 The DecimalFormat Class
- Appendix 5 Javadoc
- Appendix 6 Differences Between C++ and Java
- Appendix 7 Unicode Character Codes
- Appendix 8 Introduction to Java 8 Functional Programming
- Appendix 9 The Iterator Interface
- Appendix 10 Cloning
- Appendix 11 Java Reserved Keywords
- Credits
- Index
Product information
- Title: Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming, 8th Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: February 2017
- Publisher(s): Pearson
- ISBN: 9780137464159
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