
I'd like to thank my family for their love and support. Everyone helped in a different way. Kristen reviewed almost all of this book and helped me say things frontwards instead of backwards. Daphne helped me take breaks by asking me to juggle. Luke encouraged me to back up my files frequently by deleting some of them one day. The cats, Asher and Basteet — well, they didn't help at all, but I love them anyhow.

Mike Loukides once again proved himself to be a great editor: he helped me when I needed help and left me alone otherwise. Thanks also to Val Quercia for helping me learn the ins and outs of working at O'Reilly.

I had outstanding technical support from several sources. Eduardo Martinez, at Ductus, provided me with clear and detailed explanations of 2D's rendering pipeline, particularly the ClearView Rasterizer that forms a part of the 2D implementation. The 2D team at Sun was also very helpful: Jim Graham, Jerry Evans, Parry Kejriwal, Thanh Nguyen, and Jeannette Hung patiently and thoroughly answered my questions. Thanks to Jeannette Hung, in particular, for getting me an early access copy of post-beta JDK 1.2 — that really helped me finish this book. I'd also like to thank Bill Day for the opportunity to coauthor a column in JavaWorld .

This book was blessed with an outstanding group of technical reviewers. Eric Brower, Matt Diamond, Doug Felt, Dave Geoghegan, Jim Graham, Jeannette Hung, Marc Loy, and John Raley reviewed some or all of this manuscript and ...

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