What are you passionate about? This is my favourite question, as I have found it’s a great way to start a meaningful conversation with people. I hope you understand the principle of doing activities and tasks that you love as a way to recharge your batteries and rekindle your spirits. If you still don’t know what you are passionate about, that’s okay. Some people have suppressed their passion for so long it’s hard to define what it is anymore.
It’s all okay! The answer is always in the questions we ask ourselves. In my Passionate People Program, which is a day workshop we conduct all around the globe, I have the workshop participants answer a series of questions that clarify their passion or purpose and what they have to do to make it a reality in their life. (You can go online at www.passionatepeople.com and download these questions and do the exercise for yourself.)
1 What are you passionate about in your life? What do you love to do?
This is not about writing down just one passion; list at least three to five passions. When I ask this question, many people list their family as their passion, and so do I. I am passionate about my wife and daughters. My second love is the work I do. I am really passionate about working with people to discover and pursue their passion and ...
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