Chapter 11. Surf the Web and More with the iPod Touch

IF YOU HAVE AN IPOD TOUCH, YOU KNOW THAT IT CAN DOWNLOAD and run apps from the App Store (Chapter 3). But your Touch also comes with a preinstalled app that, in terms of cool factor, is the equal of anything you can find in Apple’s online emporium: Safari, Apple’s versatile web browser, scaled down and redesigned for your Touch. Safari lets you comfortably surf the World Wide Web from wherever you can hop onto a WiFi connection.

You may already use Safari on your Mac or Windows PC—why yes, there is a Windows version—so using it on your Touch will feel familiar. But browsing on the Touch is a little different from surfing on a full-size computer screen, with little being the operative word here. Never fear—this chapter shows you the techniques, tips, and tricks you need to get big results out of that small window to the Web.

Surfing with Safari isn’t the only advantage of a WiFi-enabled Touch. You can use Apple’s new (and free!) online storage locker, iCloud, to keep your contacts, calendars, and other personal information in sync across all your computers and iOS 5 devices. And to get the most bang for your Touch buck, you can print documents, photos, and web pages wirelessly, too.

Get Your WiFi Connection

TO JUMP ONTO THE Web with your Touch, you first need to get connected to the Internet. That’s pretty easy, thanks to the sheer abundance of wireless networks these days—in homes, coffee shops, airports, hotels, college campuses, ...

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