Headshots for Contacts

If you're viewing a photo of somebody who's listed in Contacts, then you can use it (or part of it) as her headshot. After that, her photo appears on your screen every time she calls.

To assign one of your iPhone's photos to someone in your address book, start by opening that photo. Tap the button, and then tap Assign To Contact.

Your address book list pops up so you can assign the selected photo to the person it's a photo of.

If you tap a name, you're then shown a preview of what the photo will look like when that person calls. This is the Move and Scale screen. It works just as it does when you set wallpaper, as described earlier. But when choosing a headshot for a contact, it's even more important. You'll want to crop the photo and shift it in the frame so only that person is visible. It's a great way to isolate one person in a group shot, for example.

Start by enlarging the photo: Spread your thumb and forefinger against the glass. As you go, shift the photo's placement in the frame with a one-finger drag. When you've got the person correctly enlarged and centered, tap Set Photo.

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