Chapter 2
iPhone Basic Training
Mastering multitouch
Multitasking with your iPhone
Spotlighting search
Keeping alert through notifications
If you were caught up in the initial iPhone frenzy of 2007, you may have plotted for months about how to land one. After all, the iPhone quickly emerged as the ultimate fashion phone. And the chic device hosted a bevy of cool features.
Owning the hippest and most-hyped handset on the planet came at a premium cost compared with rival devices. To snag the very first version, you may have saved your pennies or said, “The budget be damned.”
That’s ancient history now. A decade later, the iPhone went mainstream and, through many versions, you got more bang for your buck. We’re also obliged to point out that the tenth anniversary iPhone, known as the iPhone X (and not yet available when this book went to press), was the first to crack $1,000. It has plenty of bang too. But it’s gonna cost you.
We can list a bunch of prices here, but pricing for the wireless industry, and accordingly the iPhone, is in a state of flux. You used to be able ...
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