Chapter 8. For Sale

Your beta test is going well, so now it's time to turn your attention to how you're going to sell the final product. iTunes has over 100,000 applications, and it's time for yours to join them.

This chapter will introduce you to iTunes Connect, a web application that provides access to the database of products offered in the App Store. You'll use your browser to set up financial details, provide information about your application, set or update pricing, and to upload the final build.

You'll also encounter the review process that Apple uses for every submission. It's one of the more frustrating areas of iPhone development, so this chapter will show you how to smooth out the process.

Sign on the Dotted Line

The first thing you do in iTunes Connect is deal with the legal contracts and banking information with your new partner.


To log into iTunes Connect, point your browser at Take a moment to bookmark that URL—you'll use it a lot. On the login screen, enter your iPhone Developer Center username and password.


If you're already logged into the developer site, you can simply click the iTunes Connect link in the right column on the main page. You won't need to log in again.

After logging in, you see a form that asks you to accept the terms and conditions for the website. You only see this the first time you use iTunes Connect or if Apple changes the contract. If you want to put your app in iTunes, accept these conditions.

Once in iTunes ...

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