Chapter 16. The Corporate iPad

In its younger days, people thought of the iPad as a personal device, meant for consumers and not for corporations. But somebody at Apple must have gotten sick of hearing, “Well, the iPad is cool, but it’s got no place in the workplace.” The iPad now has the security and compatibility features your corporate technical overlords require.

Even better, the iPad can talk to Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync servers, staples of corporate computer departments that, among other things, can keep your tablet wirelessly updated with the calendar, contacts, and email back at the office. (Yes, it sounds a lot like MobileMe or iCloud. Which is probably why Apple’s MobileMe slogan was “Exchange for the rest of us.”)

The Perks

This chapter is intended for you, the iPad owner—not for the highly paid, well-trained, exceedingly friendly IT (information technology) managers at your company.

Your first task is to convince them that your iPad is now secure and compatible enough to welcome into the company’s network. Here’s some information you can use:

  • Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync. Exchange ActiveSync is the technology that keeps smartphones wirelessly synced with the data on the mother ship’s computers. The iPad works with Exchange ActiveSync, so it can remain in wireless contact with your company’s Exchange servers exactly like BlackBerry and Windows Mobile devices do.

    Your email, address book, and calendar appointments are now sent wirelessly to your ...

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