Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics

Book description

This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides students of information systems technology with the background knowledge and skills necessary to begin using the basic facilities of a mainframe computer. It is the first in a planned series of book designed to introduce students to mainframe concepts and help prepare them for a career in large systems computing.

For optimal learning, students are assumed to have successfully completed an introductory course in computer system concepts, such as computer organization and architecture, operating systems, data management, or data communications. They should also have successfully completed courses in one or more programming languages, and be PC literate.

This book can also be used as a prerequisite for courses in advanced topics or for internships and special studies. It is not intended to be a complete text covering all aspects of mainframe operation or a reference book that discusses every feature and option of the mainframe facilities.

Others who will benefit from this book include experienced data processing professionals who have worked with non-mainframe platforms, or who are familiar with some aspects of the mainframe but want to become knowledgeable with other facilities and benefits of the mainframe environment.

Table of contents

  1. Front cover
  2. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  3. Preface
    1. How this text is organized
    2. How each chapter is organized
    3. The team who wrote this book
    4. Acknowledgements
    5. Now you can become a published author, too!
    6. Comments welcome
    7. Stay connected to IBM Redbooks
  4. Summary of changes
    1. March 2011, Third Edition
    2. August 2009, Second Edition
  5. Part 1 Introduction to z/OS and the mainframe environment
  6. Chapter 1. Introduction to the new mainframe
    1. 1.1 The new mainframe
    2. 1.2 The System/360: A turning point in mainframe history
    3. 1.3 An evolving architecture
    4. 1.4 Mainframes in our midst
    5. 1.5 What is a mainframe
    6. 1.6 Who uses mainframe computers
      1. 1.6.1 Two mainframe models
    7. 1.7 Factors contributing to mainframe use
      1. 1.7.1 Reliability, availability, and serviceability
      2. 1.7.2 Security
      3. 1.7.3 Scalability
      4. 1.7.4 Continuing compatibility
      5. 1.7.5 Evolving architecture
      6. 1.7.6 Extensibility
      7. 1.7.7 Total cost of ownership
      8. 1.7.8 Environmentally friendly
    8. 1.8 Typical mainframe workloads
      1. 1.8.1 Batch processing
      2. 1.8.2 Online transaction processing
      3. 1.8.3 Speciality engines to characterize workload
    9. 1.9 Roles in the mainframe world
      1. 1.9.1 Who is the system programmer
      2. 1.9.2 Who is the system administrator
      3. 1.9.3 Who are the application designers and programmers
      4. 1.9.4 Who is the system operator
      5. 1.9.5 Who is the production control analyst
      6. 1.9.6 What role do vendors play
    10. 1.10 z/OS and other mainframe operating systems
      1. 1.10.1 z/VM
      2. 1.10.2 z/VSE
      3. 1.10.3 Linux on IBM System z
      4. 1.10.4 z/TPF
    11. 1.11 Introducing the IBM zEnterprise System
    12. 1.12 Summary
    13. 1.13 Questions for review
    14. 1.14 Topics for further discussion
  7. Chapter 2. Mainframe hardware systems and high availability
    1. 2.1 Introduction to mainframe hardware systems
    2. 2.2 Early system design
    3. 2.3 Current design
      1. 2.3.1 I/O connectivity
      2. 2.3.2 System control and partitioning
      3. 2.3.3 Characteristics of LPARs
      4. 2.3.4 Consolidation of mainframes
    4. 2.4 Processing units
      1. 2.4.1 Subcapacity processors
    5. 2.5 Multiprocessors
    6. 2.6 Disk devices
    7. 2.7 Clustering
    8. 2.8 Basic shared DASD
      1. 2.8.1 CTC rings
    9. 2.9 What is a sysplex
      1. 2.9.1 Parallel Sysplex
      2. 2.9.2 What is a Coupling Facility
      3. 2.9.3 Clustering technologies for the mainframe
    10. 2.10 Intelligent Resource Director
    11. 2.11 Platform Performance Management with zEnterprise
    12. 2.12 Typical mainframe system growth
    13. 2.13 Continuous availability of mainframes
      1. 2.13.1 No single points of failure
      2. 2.13.2 Capacity and scaling
      3. 2.13.3 Dynamic workload balancing
      4. 2.13.4 Systems management technologies
      5. 2.13.5 Single system image
      6. 2.13.6 Compatible change and nondisruptive growth
      7. 2.13.7 Application compatibility
      8. 2.13.8 Disaster recovery
    14. 2.14 Summary
    15. 2.15 Questions for review
    16. 2.16 Topics for further discussion
    17. 2.17 Exercises
  8. Chapter 3. z/OS overview
    1. 3.1 What is an operating system
    2. 3.2 What is z/OS
      1. 3.2.1 Hardware resources used by z/OS
      2. 3.2.2 Multiprogramming and multiprocessing
      3. 3.2.3 Modules and macros
      4. 3.2.4 Control blocks
      5. 3.2.5 Physical storage used by z/OS
    3. 3.3 Overview of z/OS facilities
    4. 3.4 Virtual storage and other mainframe concepts
      1. 3.4.1 What is virtual storage
      2. 3.4.2 What is an address space
      3. 3.4.3 What is dynamic address translation
      4. 3.4.4 Virtual storage overview
      5. 3.4.5 What is paging
      6. 3.4.6 Swapping and the working set
      7. 3.4.7 What is storage protection
      8. 3.4.8 Role of storage managers
      9. 3.4.9 A brief history of virtual storage and 64-bit addressability
      10. 3.4.10 What is meant by below-the-line storage
      11. 3.4.11 What is in an address space
      12. 3.4.12 System address spaces and the master scheduler
    5. 3.5 What is workload management
      1. 3.5.1 What does WLM do
      2. 3.5.2 How is WLM used
    6. 3.6 I/O and data management
      1. 3.6.1 Data management
    7. 3.7 Supervising the execution of work in the system
      1. 3.7.1 What is interrupt processing
      2. 3.7.2 Creating dispatchable units of work
      3. 3.7.3 Preemptable versus non-preemptable
      4. 3.7.4 What does the dispatcher do
      5. 3.7.5 Serializing the use of resources
    8. 3.8 Cross-memory services
    9. 3.9 Defining characteristics of z/OS
    10. 3.10 Understanding system and product messages
      1. 3.10.1 Unique three characters identification components
      2. 3.10.2 System completion codes
    11. 3.11 Predictive failure analysis
    12. 3.12 z/OS and other mainframe operating systems
      1. 3.12.1 z/VM
    13. 3.13 A brief comparison of z/OS and UNIX
    14. 3.14 Additional software products for z/OS
    15. 3.15 Middleware for z/OS
    16. 3.16 The new face of z/OS
    17. 3.17 Summary
    18. 3.18 Questions for review
    19. 3.19 Topics for further discussion
  9. Chapter 4. TSO/E, ISPF, and UNIX: Interactive facilities of z/OS
    1. 4.1 How do we interact with z/OS
    2. 4.2 Time Sharing Option/Extensions overview
      1. 4.2.1 Data file terms
      2. 4.2.2 Using TSO commands in native mode
      3. 4.2.3 Using CLISTs and REXX under TSO
    3. 4.3 ISPF overview
      1. 4.3.1 Keyboard mapping used in this book
      2. 4.3.2 Using PF1-HELP and the ISPF tutorial
      3. 4.3.3 Using the PA1 key
      4. 4.3.4 Navigating through ISPF menus
      5. 4.3.5 Using the ISPF editor
      6. 4.3.6 Using the online help
      7. 4.3.7 Customizing your ISPF settings
      8. 4.3.8 Adding a GUI to ISPF
    4. 4.4 z/OS UNIX interactive interfaces
      1. 4.4.1 ISHELL command (ISH)
      2. 4.4.2 ISHELL: User files and directories
      3. 4.4.3 OMVS command shell session
      4. 4.4.4 Direct login to the shell
    5. 4.5 Summary
    6. 4.6 Questions for review
    7. 4.7 Exercises
      1. 4.7.1 Logging on to z/OS and entering TSO commands
      2. 4.7.2 Navigating through the ISPF menu options
      3. 4.7.3 Using the ISPF editor
      4. 4.7.4 Using SDSF
      5. 4.7.5 Opening the z/OS UNIX shell and entering commands
      6. 4.7.6 Using the OEDIT and OBROWSE commands
  10. Chapter 5. Working with data sets
    1. 5.1 What is a data set
    2. 5.2 Where are data sets stored
    3. 5.3 What are access methods
    4. 5.4 How are DASD volumes used
      1. 5.4.1 DASD terminology for UNIX and PC users
      2. 5.4.2 What are DASD labels
    5. 5.5 Allocating a data set
    6. 5.6 How data sets are named
    7. 5.7 Allocating space on DASD volumes through JCL
      1. 5.7.1 Logical records and blocks
      2. 5.7.2 Data set extents
    8. 5.8 Data set record formats
    9. 5.9 Types of data sets
      1. 5.9.1 What is a sequential data set
      2. 5.9.2 What is a partitioned data set
      3. 5.9.3 What is a partitioned data set extended
      4. 5.9.4 When a data set runs out of space
    10. 5.10 What is Virtual Storage Access Method
    11. 5.11 Catalogs and volume table of contents
      1. 5.11.1 What is a volume table of contents
      2. 5.11.2 What is a catalog
      3. 5.11.3 What is a generation data group
    12. 5.12 Role of DFSMS in managing space
    13. 5.13 z/OS UNIX file systems
      1. 5.13.1 z/OS data sets versus file system files
    14. 5.14 Working with a zFS file system
    15. 5.15 Summary
    16. 5.16 Questions for review
    17. 5.17 Exercises
      1. 5.17.1 Exploring ISPF Option 3.4
      2. 5.17.2 Allocating a data set with ISPF 3.2
      3. 5.17.3 Copying a source library
      4. 5.17.4 Working with data set members
      5. 5.17.5 Listing a data set and other ISPF 3.4 options
      6. 5.17.6 Performing a catalog search
  11. Chapter 6. Using Job Control Language and System Display and Search Facility
    1. 6.1 What is Job Control Language
    2. 6.2 JOB, EXEC, and DD parameters
      1. 6.2.1 JOB parameters
      2. 6.2.2 EXEC parameters
      3. 6.2.3 DD parameters
    3. 6.3 Data set disposition and the DISP parameter
      1. 6.3.1 Creating new data sets
    4. 6.4 Continuation and concatenation
    5. 6.5 Why z/OS uses symbolic file names
    6. 6.6 Reserved DDNAMES
    7. 6.7 JCL procedures (PROCs)
      1. 6.7.1 JCL PROC statement override
      2. 6.7.2 How a job is submitted for batch processing
    8. 6.8 Understanding SDSF
    9. 6.9 Utilities
    10. 6.10 System libraries
    11. 6.11 Summary
    12. 6.12 Questions for review
    13. 6.13 Topics for further discussion
    14. 6.14 Exercises
      1. 6.14.1 Creating a simple job
      2. 6.14.2 Using ISPF in split screen mode
      3. 6.14.3 Manipulating text in ISPF
      4. 6.14.4 Submitting a job and checking the results
      5. 6.14.5 Creating a PDS member
      6. 6.14.6 Copying a PDS member
  12. Chapter 7. Batch processing and the job entry subsystem
    1. 7.1 What is batch processing
    2. 7.2 What is a job entry subsystem
    3. 7.3 What does an initiator do
    4. 7.4 Job and output management with job entry subsystem and initiators
      1. 7.4.1 Batch job scenario 1
      2. 7.4.2 Batch job scenario 2
    5. 7.5 Job flow through the system
    6. 7.6 JES2 compared to JES3
    7. 7.7 Summary
    8. 7.8 Questions for review
    9. 7.9 Exercises
      1. 7.9.1 Learning about system volumes
      2. 7.9.2 Using a utility program in a job
      3. 7.9.3 Examining the TSO logon JCL
      4. 7.9.4 Exploring the master catalog
      5. 7.9.5 Using SDSF
      6. 7.9.6 Using TSO REXX and ISPF
  13. Part 2 Application programming on z/OS
  14. Chapter 8. Designing and developing applications for z/OS
    1. 8.1 Application designers and programmers
    2. 8.2 Designing an application for z/OS
      1. 8.2.1 Designing for z/OS: Batch or online
      2. 8.2.2 Designing for z/OS: Data sources and access methods
      3. 8.2.3 Designing for z/OS: Availability and workload requirements
      4. 8.2.4 Designing for z/OS: Exception handling
    3. 8.3 Application development life cycle: An overview
      1. 8.3.1 Gathering requirements for the design
    4. 8.4 Developing an application on the mainframe
      1. 8.4.1 Using the EBCDIC character set
      2. 8.4.2 Unicode on the mainframe
      3. 8.4.3 Interfaces for z/OS application programmers
      4. 8.4.4 Using application development tools
      5. 8.4.5 Conducting a debugging session
      6. 8.4.6 Performing a system test
    5. 8.5 Going into production on the mainframe
    6. 8.6 Summary
    7. 8.7 Questions for review
  15. Chapter 9. Using programming languages on z/OS
    1. 9.1 Overview of programming languages
    2. 9.2 Choosing a programming language for z/OS
    3. 9.3 Using Assembler language on z/OS
    4. 9.4 Using COBOL on z/OS
      1. 9.4.1 COBOL program format
      2. 9.4.2 COBOL relationship between JCL and program files
      3. 9.4.3 Running COBOL programs under UNIX
      4. 9.4.4 Communicating with Java methods
      5. 9.4.5 Creating a DLL or a DLL application
      6. 9.4.6 Structuring OO applications
    5. 9.5 HLL relationship between JCL and program files
    6. 9.6 Using PL/I on z/OS
      1. 9.6.1 PL/I program structure
      2. 9.6.2 Preprocessors
      3. 9.6.3 Using the SAX parser
    7. 9.7 Using C/C++ on z/OS
    8. 9.8 Using Java on z/OS
      1. 9.8.1 IBM SDK products for z/OS
      2. 9.8.2 Using the Java Native Interface
    9. 9.9 Using CLIST language on z/OS
      1. 9.9.1 Types of CLISTs
      2. 9.9.2 Executing CLISTs
      3. 9.9.3 Other uses for the CLIST language
    10. 9.10 Using REXX on z/OS
      1. 9.10.1 Compiling and executing REXX command lists
    11. 9.11 Compiled versus interpreted languages
      1. 9.11.1 Advantages of compiled languages
      2. 9.11.2 Advantages of interpreted languages
    12. 9.12 What is z/OS Language Environment
      1. 9.12.1 How Language Environment is used
      2. 9.12.2 A closer look at Language Environment
      3. 9.12.3 Running your program with Language Environment
    13. 9.13 Summary
    14. 9.14 Questions for review
    15. 9.15 Topics for further discussion
  16. Chapter 10. Compiling and link-editing a program on z/OS
    1. 10.1 Source, object, and load modules
    2. 10.2 What are source libraries
    3. 10.3 Compiling programs on z/OS
      1. 10.3.1 What is a precompiler
      2. 10.3.2 Compiling with cataloged procedures
      3. 10.3.3 Compiling object-oriented (OO) applications
      4. 10.3.4 What is an object deck
      5. 10.3.5 What is an object library
      6. 10.3.6 How program management works
      7. 10.3.7 How a linkage editor is used
      8. 10.3.8 How a load module is created
    4. 10.4 Creating load modules for executable programs
      1. 10.4.1 Batch loader
      2. 10.4.2 Program management loader
      3. 10.4.3 What is a load library
    5. 10.5 Overview of compilation to execution
    6. 10.6 Using procedures
    7. 10.7 Summary
    8. 10.8 Questions for review
    9. 10.9 Exercises
      1. 10.9.1 Exercise: Compiling and linking a program
      2. 10.9.2 Exercise: Executing a program
  17. Part 3 Online workloads for z/OS
  18. Chapter 11. Transaction management systems on z/OS
    1. 11.1 Online processing on the mainframe
    2. 11.2 Example of global online processing: The new big picture
    3. 11.3 Transaction systems for the mainframe
      1. 11.3.1 What are transaction programs
      2. 11.3.2 What is a transaction system
      3. 11.3.3 What are the typical requirements of a transaction system
      4. 11.3.4 What is commit and roll back
    4. 11.4 What is Customer Information Control System
      1. 11.4.1 CICS in a z/OS system
      2. 11.4.2 CICS programs, transactions, and tasks
      3. 11.4.3 Using programming languages
      4. 11.4.4 Conversational and pseudo-conversational programming
      5. 11.4.5 CICS programming commands
      6. 11.4.6 How a CICS transaction flows
      7. 11.4.7 CICS services for application programs
      8. 11.4.8 Program control
      9. 11.4.9 Customer Information Control System programming roadmap
      10. 11.4.10 Our online example
    5. 11.5 What is Information Management System
      1. 11.5.1 IMS in a z/OS system
      2. 11.5.2 IMS Transaction Manager messages
    6. 11.6 Summary
    7. 11.7 Questions for review
    8. 11.8 Exercise: Create a CICS program
      1. 11.8.1 Analyze and update the class program
  19. Chapter 12. Database management systems on z/OS
    1. 12.1 Database management systems for the mainframe
    2. 12.2 What is a database
    3. 12.3 Why use a database
    4. 12.4 Who is the database administrator
    5. 12.5 How is a database designed
      1. 12.5.1 Entities
      2. 12.5.2 Data attributes
      3. 12.5.3 Entity relationships
      4. 12.5.4 Application functions
      5. 12.5.5 Access paths
    6. 12.6 What is a database management system
      1. 12.6.1 What structures exist in a relational database
    7. 12.7 What is DB2
      1. 12.7.1 Data structures in DB2
      2. 12.7.2 Schema structures
      3. 12.7.3 DB2 address spaces
      4. 12.7.4 Using DB2 utilities
      5. 12.7.5 Using DB2 commands
    8. 12.8 What is SQL
    9. 12.9 Application programming for DB2
      1. 12.9.1 DB2 program preparation: The flow
    10. 12.10 Functions of the IMS Database Manager
    11. 12.11 Structure of the IMS Database Manager subsystem
      1. 12.11.1 The IMS hierarchical database model
      2. 12.11.2 IMS use of z/OS services
      3. 12.11.3 Evolution of IMS
      4. 12.11.4 Our online example
    12. 12.12 Summary
    13. 12.13 Questions for review
    14. 12.14 Exercise 1: Use SPUFI in a COBOL program
      1. 12.14.1 Step 1: Creating files
      2. 12.14.2 Step 2: DCLGEN
      3. 12.14.3 Step 3: Testing your SQL
      4. 12.14.4 Step 4: Creating the program
      5. 12.14.5 Step 5: Completing the program
      6. 12.14.6 Step 6: Running the program from TSO
  20. Chapter 13. z/OS HTTP Server
    1. 13.1 Introduction to web-based workloads on z/OS
    2. 13.2 What is z/OS HTTP Server
      1. 13.2.1 Serving static web pages on z/OS
      2. 13.2.2 Serving dynamic web pages on z/OS
    3. 13.3 HTTP Server capabilities
      1. 13.3.1 Basic functions
      2. 13.3.2 Security functions
      3. 13.3.3 File caching
      4. 13.3.4 Plug-in code
      5. 13.3.5 HTTP proxy servers
    4. 13.4 Summary
    5. 13.5 Questions for review
    6. 13.6 Exercises
  21. Chapter 14. IBM WebSphere Application Server on z/OS
    1. 14.1 What is WebSphere Application Server for z/OS
    2. 14.2 Servers
    3. 14.3 Nodes (and node agents)
    4. 14.4 Cells
    5. 14.5 J2EE application model on z/OS
    6. 14.6 Running WebSphere Application Server on z/OS
      1. 14.6.1 Consolidation of workloads
      2. 14.6.2 WebSphere for z/OS security
      3. 14.6.3 Continuous availability
      4. 14.6.4 Performance
    7. 14.7 Application server configuration on z/OS
      1. 14.7.1 Base server node
      2. 14.7.2 Network Deployment Manager
    8. 14.8 Connectors for Enterprise Information Systems
      1. 14.8.1 z/OS connectors
    9. 14.9 Summary
    10. 14.10 Questions for review
  22. Chapter 15. Messaging and queuing
    1. 15.1 What WebSphere MQ is
    2. 15.2 Synchronous communication
    3. 15.3 Asynchronous communication
    4. 15.4 Message types
    5. 15.5 Message queues and the queue manager
      1. 15.5.1 Queue manager
      2. 15.5.2 Types of message queues
    6. 15.6 What is a channel
    7. 15.7 How transactional integrity is ensured
    8. 15.8 Example of messaging and queuing
    9. 15.9 Interfacing with CICS, IMS, batch, or TSO/E
      1. 15.9.1 Bridges
    10. 15.10 Sysplex support
    11. 15.11 Java Message Service
    12. 15.12 Summary
    13. 15.13 Questions for review
  23. Part 4 System programming on z/OS
  24. Chapter 16. Overview of system programming
    1. 16.1 The role of the system programmer
    2. 16.2 What is meant by separation of duties
    3. 16.3 Customizing the system
      1. 16.3.1 z/OS system libraries
      2. 16.3.2 SYS1.PARMLIB
      3. 16.3.3 Link pack area
      4. 16.3.4 Pageable link pack area
      5. 16.3.5 Fixed link pack area
      6. 16.3.6 Modified link pack area
      7. 16.3.7 SYS1.PROCLIB
      8. 16.3.8 The master scheduler subsystem
      9. 16.3.9 A job procedure library
      10. 16.3.10 Search order for programs
      11. 16.3.11 What system symbols are
    4. 16.4 Managing system performance
    5. 16.5 Configuring I/O devices
    6. 16.6 Following a process of change control
      1. 16.6.1 Risk assessment
      2. 16.6.2 Change control record system
      3. 16.6.3 Production control
    7. 16.7 Configuring consoles
    8. 16.8 Initializing the system
      1. 16.8.1 Initialization process
      2. 16.8.2 IPL types
      3. 16.8.3 Shutting down the system
    9. 16.9 Summary
    10. 16.10 Questions for review
    11. 16.11 Topics for further discussion
    12. 16.12 Exercises
  25. Chapter 17. Using System Modification Program/Extended
    1. 17.1 What is SMP/E
    2. 17.2 The SMP/E view of the system
    3. 17.3 Changing the elements of the system
      1. 17.3.1 What is a SYSMOD
      2. 17.3.2 Types of SYSMODS
    4. 17.4 Introducing an element into the system
    5. 17.5 Preventing or fixing problems with an element
    6. 17.6 Fixing problems with an element
    7. 17.7 Customizing an element: USERMOD SYSMOD
      1. 17.7.1 SYSMOD prerequisites and corequisites
    8. 17.8 Keeping track of the elements of the system
    9. 17.9 Tracking and controlling requisites
    10. 17.10 How does SMP/E work
      1. 17.10.1 The distribution and target libraries
      2. 17.10.2 The consolidated software inventory
    11. 17.11 Working with SMP/E
      1. 17.11.1 Using the RECEIVE command
      2. 17.11.2 Using the APPLY command
      3. 17.11.3 Using the ACCEPT command
      4. 17.11.4 Other SMP/E facilities
    12. 17.12 Data sets used by SMP/E
    13. 17.13 Summary
    14. 17.14 Questions for review
    15. 17.15 Topics for further discussion
  26. Chapter 18. Security on z/OS
    1. 18.1 Why security is important
    2. 18.2 Security facilities of z/OS
    3. 18.3 Security roles
    4. 18.4 The IBM Security Server
      1. 18.4.1 Resource Access Control Facility
      2. 18.4.2 System authorization facility
    5. 18.5 Security administration
      1. 18.5.1 RACF Remote Sharing Facility
      2. 18.5.2 RACF with middleware
    6. 18.6 Operator console security
    7. 18.7 Integrity
      1. 18.7.1 Authorized programs
      2. 18.7.2 Storage protection
      3. 18.7.3 Cross-memory communication
      4. 18.7.4 z/OS firewall technologies
    8. 18.8 Summary
    9. 18.9 Questions for review
    10. 18.10 Topics for further discussion
    11. 18.11 Exercises
  27. Chapter 19. Network communications on z/OS
    1. 19.1 Communications in z/OS
    2. 19.2 Brief history of data networks
      1. 19.2.1 SNA and TCP/IP on z/OS
      2. 19.2.2 Layered network models
      3. 19.2.3 Network reliability and availability
      4. 19.2.4 Factors contributing to the continued use of SNA
    3. 19.3 z/OS Communications Server
    4. 19.4 TCP/IP overview
      1. 19.4.1 Using commands to monitor TCP/IP
      2. 19.4.2 Using console commands to manage TCP/IP
      3. 19.4.3 Using virtual Internet protocol addresses for availability and load balancing
      4. 19.4.4 TN3270: The gateway to z/OS
    5. 19.5 VTAM overview
      1. 19.5.1 Network topologies supported by VTAM
      2. 19.5.2 What is a subarea network topology
      3. 19.5.3 Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking network topology
      4. 19.5.4 Summary of VTAM topologies
      5. 19.5.5 Using commands to monitor VTAM
      6. 19.5.6 Background: 3270 data stream
    6. 19.6 Summary
    7. 19.7 Questions for review
    8. 19.8 Demonstrations and exercises
  28. Appendix A. A brief look at IBM mainframe history
  29. Appendix B. DB2 sample tables
    1. Department table
    2. Employee table
  30. Appendix C. Utility programs
    1. Basic utilities
    2. System-oriented utilities
    3. Application-level utilities
  31. Appendix D. EBCDIC - ASCII table
  32. Appendix E. Class programs
    1. COBOL-CICS-DB2 program
    2. COBOL-Batch-VSAM program
    3. DSNTEP2 utility
    4. QMF batch execution
    5. Batch C program to access DB2
    6. Java servlet access to DB2
    7. C program to access MQ
    8. Java program to access MQ
  33. Appendix F. Operator commands
    1. Operator commands
  34. Glossary
  35. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
    2. Other publications
    3. Online resources
    4. Help from IBM
  36. Back cover

Product information

  • Title: Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics
  • Author(s): John Kettner, Mike Ebbers, Wayne O'Brien, Bill Ogden
  • Release date: March 2011
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: None