Introduction to Generative AI

Book description

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT are amazing—but how will their use impact our society? This book introduces the world-transforming technology and the strategies you need to use generative AI safely and effectively.

Introduction to Generative AI gives you the hows-and-whys of generative AI in accessible language. In this easy-to-read introduction, you’ll learn:

  • How large language models (LLMs) work
  • How to integrate generative AI into your personal and professional workflows
  • Balancing innovation and responsibility
  • The social, legal, and policy landscape around generative AI
  • Societal impacts of generative AI
  • Where AI is going

Anyone who uses ChatGPT for even a few minutes can tell that it’s truly different from other chatbots or question-and-answer tools. Introduction to Generative AI guides you from that first eye-opening interaction to how these powerful tools can transform your personal and professional life. In it, you’ll get no-nonsense guidance on generative AI fundamentals to help you understand what these models are (and aren’t) capable of, and how you can use them to your greatest advantage.

About the Technology
Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Bing, and Bard have permanently transformed the way we work, learn, and communicate. This delightful book shows you exactly how Generative AI works in plain, jargon-free English, along with the insights you’ll need to use it safely and effectively.

About the Book
Introduction to Generative AI guides you through benefits, risks, and limitations of Generative AI technology. You’ll discover how AI models learn and think, explore best practices for creating text and graphics, and consider the impact of AI on society, the economy, and the law. Along the way, you’ll practice strategies for getting accurate responses and even understand how to handle misuse and security threats.

What's Inside
  • How large language models work
  • Integrate Generative AI into your daily work
  • Balance innovation and responsibility

About the Reader
For anyone interested in Generative AI. No technical experience required.

About the Authors
Numa Dhamani is a natural language processing expert working at the intersection of technology and society. Maggie Engler is an engineer and researcher currently working on safety for large language models.

The technical editor on this book was Maris Sekar.

Essential for anyone eager to understand or work with this transformative technology.
- Ron Green, Co-Founder & CTO, KUNGFU.AI

Become an active participant in the conversation on the societal implications of generative AI. A must read!
- Edgar Markevicius, Meta

Clear and compelling. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in generative AI and its impact on the world.
- Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Founding Chair of Good Systems: Ethical AI at UT Austin

Perfect. I can think of no defter guides to Generative AI and the promise and peril it portends.
- Dr. Daniel Rogers, The Global Disinformation Index

Table of contents

  1. inside front cover
  2. Introduction to Generative AI
  3. Copyright
  4. dedication
  5. contents
  6. front matter
    1. foreword
    2. preface
    3. acknowledgments
    4. about this book
      1. Who should read this book
      2. How this book is organized: A road map
      3. liveBook discussion forums
      4. Other online resources
    5. about the author
    6. about the cover illustration
  7. 1 Large language models: The power of AI
    1. Evolution of natural language processing
    2. The birth of LLMs: Attention is all you need
    3. Explosion of LLMs
    4. What are LLMs used for?
      1. Language modeling
      2. Question answering
      3. Coding
      4. Content generation
      5. Logical reasoning
      6. Other natural language tasks
    5. Where do LLMs fall short?
      1. Training data and bias
      2. Limitations in controlling machine outputs
      3. Sustainability of LLMs
    6. Revolutionizing dialogue: Conversational LLMs
      1. OpenAI’s ChatGPT
      2. Google’s Bard/LaMDA
      3. Microsoft’s Bing AI
      4. Meta’s LLaMa/Stanford’s Alpaca
    7. Summary
  8. 2 Training large language models
    1. How are LLMs trained?
      1. Exploring open web data collection
      2. Demystifying autoregression and bidirectional token prediction
      3. Fine-tuning LLMs
    2. The unexpected: Emergent properties of LLMs
      1. Quick study: Learning with few examples
      2. Is emergence an illusion?
    3. What’s in the training data?
      1. Encoding bias
      2. Sensitive information
    4. Summary
  9. 3 Data privacy and safety with LLMs
    1. Safety-focused improvements for LLM generations
      1. Post-processing detection algorithms
      2. Content filtering or conditional pre-training
      3. Reinforcement learning from human feedback
      4. Reinforcement learning from AI feedback
    2. Navigating user privacy and commercial risks
      1. Inadvertent data leakage
      2. Best practices when interacting with chatbots
    3. Understanding the rules of the road: Data policies and regulations
      1. International standards and data protection laws
      2. Are chatbots compliant with GDPR?
      3. Privacy regulations in academia
      4. Corporate policies
    4. Summary
  10. 4 The evolution of created content
    1. The rise of synthetic media
      1. Popular techniques for creating synthetic media
      2. The good and the bad of synthetic media
      3. AI or genuine: Detecting synthetic media
    2. Generative AI: Transforming creative workflows
      1. Marketing applications
      2. Artwork creation
    3. Intellectual property in the LLM era
      1. Copyright law and fair use
      2. Open source and licenses
    4. Summary
  11. 5 Misuse and adversarial attacks
    1. Cybersecurity and social engineering
    2. Information disorder: Adversarial narratives
    3. Political bias and electioneering
    4. Why do LLMs hallucinate?
    5. Misuse of LLMs in the professional world
    6. Summary
  12. 6 Accelerating productivity: Machine-augmented work
    1. Using LLMs in the professional space
      1. LLMs assisting doctors with administrative tasks
      2. LLMs for legal research, discovery, and documentation
      3. LLMs augmenting financial investing and bank customer service
      4. LLMs as collaborators in creativity
    2. LLMs as a programming sidekick
    3. LLMs in daily life
    4. Generative AI’s footprint on education
    5. Detecting AI-generated text
    6. How LLMs affect jobs and the economy
    7. Summary
  13. 7 Making social connections with chatbots
    1. Chatbots for social interaction
    2. Why humans are turning to chatbots for relationship
      1. The loneliness epidemic
      2. Emotional attachment theory and chatbots
    3. The good and bad of human-chatbot relationships
    4. Charting a path for beneficial chatbot interaction
    5. Summary
  14. 8 What’s next for AI and LLMs
    1. Where are LLM developments headed?
      1. Language: The universal interface
      2. LLM agents unlock new possibilities
      3. The personalization wave
    2. Social and technical risks of LLMs
      1. Data inputs and outputs
      2. Data privacy
      3. Adversarial attacks
      4. Misuse
      5. How society is affected
    3. Using LLMs responsibly: Best practices
      1. Curating datasets and standardizing documentation
      2. Protecting data privacy
      3. Explainability, transparency, and bias
      4. Model training strategies for safety
      5. Enhanced detection
      6. Boundaries for user engagement and metrics
      7. Humans in the loop
    4. AI regulations: An ethics perspective
      1. North America overview
      2. EU overview
      3. China overview
      4. Corporate self-governance
    5. Toward an AI governance framework
    6. Summary
  15. 9 Broadening the horizon: Exploratory topics in AI
    1. The quest for artificial general intelligence
    2. AI sentience and consciousness?
    3. How LLMs affect the environment
    4. The game changer: Open source community
    5. Summary
  16. references
    1. Chapter 1
    2. Chapter 2
    3. Chapter 3
    4. Chapter 4
    5. Chapter 5
    6. Chapter 6
    7. Chapter 7
    8. Chapter 8
    9. Chapter 9
  17. index
  18. inside back cover

Product information

  • Title: Introduction to Generative AI
  • Author(s): Maggie Engler, Numa Dhamani
  • Release date: February 2024
  • Publisher(s): Manning Publications
  • ISBN: 9781633437197