Chapter 10 Discrete Logarithms

10.1 Discrete Logarithms

In the RSA algorithm, we saw how the difficulty of factoring yields useful cryptosystems. There is another number theory problem, namely discrete logarithms, that has similar applications.

Fix a prime p. Let α and β be nonzero integers mod p and suppose

βαx(mod p)

The problem of finding x is called the discrete logarithm problem. If n is the smallest positive integer such that αn1(mod p), we may assume 0x<n, and then we denote


and call it the discrete log of β with respect to α (the prime p is omitted from the notation).

For example, let p=11 and let α=2. Since 269 (mod 11), we have L2(9)=6. Of course, 262162269 (mod 11), so we could consider taking any one of 6, 16, 26 as ...

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