Introducing iOS 8

Book description

Learn to make iOS apps even if you have absolutely no programming experience. This hands-on book takes you from idea to App Store, using real-world examples—such as driving a car or eating at a restaurant—to teach programming and app development. You’ll learn concepts through clear, concise, jargon-free language. This book focuses on Apple’s new programming language, Swift.

Table of contents

  1. Dedication
  2. Preface
    1. Why I Wrote Introducing iOS 8
    2. Who Should Read This Book
    3. Who Am I?
    4. Navigating This Book
    5. How This Book Works and What You Need for This Book
    6. Conventions Used in This Book
    7. Using Code Examples
    8. Safari® Books Online
    9. How to Contact Us
    10. Acknowledgments
  3. 1. Getting Started
    1. Your Path to Success
    2. The App Store
    3. How to Install Xcode 6
      1. What You Will Need
  4. 2. Introduction to Programming
    1. Building Blocks
    2. Variables
      1. Integer
      2. Float
      3. Boolean
      4. String
    3. Classes
    4. Objects
    5. Methods
    6. Inheritance
    7. Model, View, Controller
      1. Model
      2. View
      3. Controller
    8. Exercise: Hello World
    9. Storyboards
  5. 3. Diving into Swift
    1. What Is Swift?
    2. Playgrounds
    3. Creating Variables
      1. Integers
      2. Float
      3. Boolean
      4. Strings
      5. Objects
      6. Constants
      7. Type Inference
    4. Modifying Strings
      1. Appending Strings
      2. Variables in Strings
    5. Collections
      1. Arrays
        1. Navigating arrays
        2. Modifying arrays
      2. Dictionaries
    6. Loops
      1. For-Condition-Increment
      2. for-in
      3. Ranges
    7. Conditional Statements
      1. if Statements
      2. if-else
    8. Optionals
    9. Exercise: Tip Calculator
  6. 4. Diving Deeper
    1. Methods
      1. Return Values
    2. Classes
      1. Properties
      2. Methods
    3. Creating an Object
      1. Accessing Properties
      2. Calling Methods
    4. Subclasses
      1. Inheritance
      2. Overriding
        1. Overriding initializers
        2. Overriding methods
    5. Exercise: Race Car
  7. 5. Building Multiscreen Apps
    1. View Controllers
      1. UIViewController
      2. UINavigationController
      3. Table View
    2. Delegation
      1. UITableViewController
      2. UITableViewDataSource
        1. Cell reuse
    3. Exercise: Passport
  8. 6. Next Steps: Debugging, Documentation, and App Icons
    1. Why Debugging?
    2. Compile-Time Issues
      1. Errors
      2. Warnings
    3. Runtime Issues
      1. Breakpoints
      2. Using the Debugger
    4. Documentation
      1. Sample Code
      2. How to Get the Most Out of Documentation
    5. App Icons
      1. Launch Image
    6. Exercise: Expanding the Passport App
      1. Documentation
      2. App Icon
  9. 7. Devices and Auto Layout
    1. Screen Sizes
    2. Retina Displays
    3. Orientation
    4. Universal Apps
    5. Auto Layout
      1. Attributes
      2. Values
      3. Intrinsic Size
      4. Priority
    6. Creating Constraints
      1. The Control-Drag Method
      2. Auto Layout Buttons
        1. The Align button
        2. The Pin button
        3. The Resolve Auto Layout Issues button
        4. The Resizing Behavior button
      3. The Guidelines Method
    7. Testing Layout Constraints
    8. Previewing
    9. Exercise: Building More on the Passport App
  10. 8. Maps and Location
    1. Core Location
      1. Requesting User Location
    2. Map Kit
      1. MKMapView
      2. Directions
      3. Plotting Points
    3. Exercise: Adding Maps to the Passport App
  11. 9. Camera, Photos, and Social Networks
    1. UIImagePickerController
      1. Cameras
      2. Media Types
        1. Editing
      3. Delegates
      4. Working with Images
      5. Working with Multiple Media Types
        1. Images with didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo
        2. Video in didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo
      6. Presenting UIImagePickerController
    2. Integrating with Social Networks
      1. Setting the Social Network
      2. Setting the Initial Text
      3. Adding Images
      4. Adding URLs
      5. Presenting SLComposeViewController
    3. Exercise: A Selfie App
  12. 10. Running on a Device
    1. Certificates
    2. Identifiers
    3. Devices
    4. Profiles
  13. 11. Submitting to the App Store
    1. Agreements, Tax, and Banking
    2. Create App Listing
      1. Version Information
      2. Keywords
      3. Support URL
      4. Description
      5. Screenshots
      6. General App Information
      7. Tips
      8. App Icon
      9. Category
      10. Rating
      11. Trade Representative Contact Information
      12. Copyright
      13. App Review Information
        1. Demo account
        2. Notes
      14. Version Release
      15. Languages
      16. Pricing
      17. Uploading Your Binary
      18. The Build Section
      19. Ready for Submit
      20. Statuses
      21. App Review
      22. App Rejection
      23. App Approval
  14. 12. Managing and Marketing Your App
    1. Tracking Sales and Downloads
    2. Payments and Financial Reports
    3. Crashes
    4. Reviews
    5. Updating Your App
      1. App Updates and MetaData Changes
    6. Promo Codes
    7. Analytics
    8. Vanity URLs
    9. One More Thing
  15. A. Objective-C
    1. Why Objective-C Still Matters
    2. The iOS Stack
    3. How to Read Objective-C
  16. B. List of Synonyms
  17. Index
  18. Colophon
  19. Copyright

Product information

  • Title: Introducing iOS 8
  • Author(s): Steve Derico
  • Release date: December 2014
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781491908617