5.3 Tuples

As discussed in the preceding chapter, tuples are immutable and typically store heterogeneous data, but the data can be homogeneous. A tuple’s length is its number of elements and cannot change during program execution.

Creating Tuples

To create an empty tuple, use empty parentheses:

In [1]: student_tuple = ()

In [2]: student_tuple
Out[2]: ()

In [3]: len(student_tuple)
Out[3]: 0

Recall that you can pack a tuple by separating its values with commas:

In [4]: student_tuple = 'John', 'Green', 3.3

In [5]: student_tuple
Out[5]: ('John', 'Green', 3.3)

In [6]: len(student_tuple)
Out[6]: 3

When you output a tuple, Python always displays its contents in parentheses. You may surround a tuple’s comma-separated list of values with optional parentheses: ...

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