Internet Yellow Pages, 2007 Edition

Book description

Plug Yourself In with

the Ultimate Guide to

the Internet!


An exhaustive index with thorough

cross-references helps you find exactly what you want, quickly and easily.


International coverage makes your

discoveries on the Web virtually limitless.


Michael Miller, along with Mikal Belicove and Joe Kraynak, have written the foreward that gets you up to speed on searching the Internet, blocking pop-up ads, protecting children online, accessing the wireless Web, plugging in to podcasts and webcasts, and reading fascinating weblogs (blogs).

Use This Complete Guide to Web Surfing at Its Best:

•    Find new job opportunities

•    Find information and resources on

all aspects of adoption

•    Download music from your favorite artists

•    Get tips, strategies, and information

on improving your poker game

•    Get free technical support for your

PC or Mac

•    Learn the ancient Chinese art of

Feng Shui

•    Find sites devoted to men’s and

women’s health and related issues

Category Internet–Directories

Covers    The Internet and the World Wide Web

User Level    All

In this Edition

Icons identify unique information about

each listed website


This icon identifies THE best website in any given category. If you have time to visit only one site in a category, look for the Best of the Best!


The child-rating icon is designed to help you weed out sites that are inappropriate for children.


The blog icon identifies those sites that allow

visitors to post comments and are interactive.


The Podcast icon identifies sites that provide

audio-on-the-go content.


The webcast icon identifies those sites that feature dynamic audio-visual content


The RSS Feed icon indicates, quickly and easily, those sites that offer live feeds in any given category.


The Directory icon indicates websites that may not provide a lot of quality information on their own but instead point you to the best sites that deal with a particular topic.


The quality indicator icon rates sites on a scale of

1 to 5 based on content, appearance, and ease of

use. Look for a ranking of 5 and you’ve found the most user-friendly sites.



Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. About the Authors
    1. We Want to Hear from You!
    2. The Secrets of Successful Searching
      1. The Needle-in-the-Haystack Problem
      2. The Art of Searching
      3. The Difference Between Search Engines and Directories—and Why you Should Care
        1. Directories: Manually Cataloging Web Pages
        2. Search Engines: Scouring the Web, Automatically
        3. Directories or Search Engines: Which Is Better?
      4. Where to Search
        1. Google
        2. Yahoo!
        3. Everybody Else
        4. Other Types of Search
      5. How to Search
      6. Five Tips for More-Effective Searching
        1. Tip 1: Think Like the Creators
        2. Tip 2: Use the Right Words
        3. Tip 3: When You Don’t Know the Right Words, Use Wildcards
        4. Tip 4: Modify Your Words with +, −, and “ “
        5. Tip 5: Use OR, AND, and NOT in a Boolean Search
        6. A Bonus Tip—Search for Other Places to Search
      7. Safe Searching for Children
      8. A Final Word About Searching
    3. Blogs, Pop-Ups, Podcasts, and Webcasts
      1. Blogs are Websites, Too
      2. Blocking Pop-Ups
      3. Tuning in to Podcasts and Webcasts
    4. How This Book Is Designed
  3. Accounting
  4. Activism
  5. Addictions/Recovery
    1. Alcoholism
    2. Drugs
    3. Gambling
    4. Sex Addiction
    5. Stop Smoking
    6. Substance Abuse and Recovery
  6. Adoption
  7. Adventure Travel/Ecotourism
  8. Advice
  9. Agriculture
  10. Airlines
  11. Allergies
  12. Alternative Medicine
    1. Acupuncture
    2. Aromatherapy
    3. Cleansing/Detox
    4. Herbs
    5. Homeopathy
    6. Magnet Therapy
    7. Massage
  13. Alzheimer’s
  14. Amusement & Theme Parks
  15. Anatomy
  16. Animation
  17. Anime
  18. Antiques
  19. Architecture
  20. Art (See Also Museums—Art)
    1. Instruction/Reference
    2. Graphic Design
  21. Astrology
  22. Astronomy
  23. Auctions
  24. Auto Racing
    1. Champ Cars
    2. Formula One
    3. IRL
    4. NASCAR
  25. Automobile Clubs and Organizations
  26. Automobiles
    1. Buying Online
    2. Classic Cars
    3. Information
    4. Manufacturers
    5. Repair
  27. Aviation
  28. Babies
  29. Background Checks
  30. Ballooning
  31. Bargains
    1. Coupons
    2. Freebies
  32. Baseball
    1. College
    2. Fantasy (See Fantasy Sports)
    3. Professional
  33. Basketball
    1. College
    2. Professional
  34. Beer
  35. Bicycles
    1. Maintenance & Repair
    2. Mountain Biking
  36. Billiards
  37. Bingo
  38. Biography
  39. Birds
  40. Blogs & Blogging
    1. Directories & Search Engines
    2. Blog Hosting & Tools
  41. Boats & Sailing
  42. Books
    1. Audio Books
    2. Book Reviews
    3. Bookstores
    4. Books Online
    5. Publishers
  43. Bowling
  44. Boxing
  45. Business
    1. Franchising
    2. Home-Based Business
    3. International Business
    4. Patent Information
    5. Small Business—Products & Services
    6. Small Business—Webstorefront Support
  46. Camping
    1. Backpacking
    2. Hiking
  47. Camps (Summer)
  48. Canada
  49. Cancer
  50. Candy
  51. Canoeing/Kayaking
  52. Car Rental
  53. Casinos
  54. Cats
  55. Celiac Disease
  56. Censorship
  57. Cheerleading
  58. Chess
  59. Child Abuse and Missing Children
  60. Childcare
  61. Chiropractors
  62. Cigars
  63. Civil Rights
  64. Classifieds
  65. Coaching Sports
  66. Collecting
    1. Beanie Babies
    2. Coins
    3. Dolls
    4. Hot Wheels and Matchbox Cars and Trucks
    5. Posters
    6. Stamps
  67. Colleges & Universities
    1. Financial Aid & Scholarships
    2. Graduate Schools
  68. Comics
  69. Computers
    1. Computer Companies: Hardware & Software
    2. Macintosh
    3. PCs
    4. Programming Languages
    5. Software—Antivirus
    6. Software—Downloads
    7. Software—Miscellaneous
    8. Troubleshooting
  70. Consumer Issues
  71. Cooking & Recipes
  72. Crafts
    1. Cross Stitch (See Needlecrafts)
    2. Jewelry (See JEWELRY)
    3. Needlecrafts (See Needlecrafts)
    4. Origami (See Origami)
    5. Sewing (See SEWING)
  73. Crocheting
  74. Dance
    1. Ballet
    2. Ballroom Dancing
  75. Darts
  76. Dating
    1. Personals/Services
    2. Tips
  77. Deafness
  78. Death & Dying
  79. Debt Management
    1. Bankruptcy
    2. Credit Cards
    3. Foreclosure
  80. Dentistry
  81. Diabetes
  82. Diet & Nutrition
  83. Dinosaurs
  84. Divorce & Custody
    1. Child Support
  85. Dogs
  86. Domestic Violence
  87. Dream Interpretation
  88. E-Commerce
  89. Education
    1. Distance Learning
    3. Foreign Languages
    4. Homeschooling
    5. International Education
    6. K–12
    7. K–12—Educational Television
    8. K–12—Homework Help
    9. K–12—Montessori Education
    10. K–12—Private Education
    11. K–12—Public Education
    12. Preschool
    13. Resources
  90. Eldercare
  91. Electronics
  92. Emergency Services
  93. Employment (See Jobs/Employment): Environmental & Global Issues
    1. Conservation
    2. Ecology
    3. Preservation
    4. Recycling
  94. Etiquette
  95. Exercise & Fitness
    1. Cross-Country Running
    2. Fitness
    3. Pilates
    4. Running
    5. Walking
    6. Weightlifting & Bodybuilding
  96. Experiential/Outdoor Education
    1. Associations
    2. Outdoor Education Centers
    3. Ropes/Challenge Courses
  97. Extreme Sports
    1. Hang Gliding & Paragliding
    2. Skateboarding
    3. Skydiving
    4. Snowboarding
  98. Eyecare
  99. Fantasy Sports
  100. Fashion
  101. Feng Shui
  102. Finance & Investment
    1. Banking
    2. Bonds
    3. Investment Clubs
    4. Investment Information
    5. IPOs (Initial Public Offerings)
    6. Mutual Funds
    7. Online Trading
    8. Stocks
  103. Fish/Aquariums
  104. Fishing
  105. Food & Drink
    1. Alcohol
    2. Coffees and Teas
    3. Gluten-Free (See Celiac Disease)
    4. Organic Foods
    5. Wines (See Wines)
  106. Food Allergies
  107. Football
    1. College
    2. Fantasy (See Fantasy Sports) Professional
  108. Foreign Policy
  109. Frugal Spending
  110. Fun Sites
  111. Gambling
    1. Online
    2. Tips
  112. Games & Puzzles
    1. Board Games
    2. Card Games (Nonpoker)
    3. Cheat Codes
    4. Kakuro
    5. Mah Jongg
    6. Multi-User Games
    7. Poker (See Poker)
    8. Sudoku
    9. Trivia
  113. Gardening
    1. Flowers
  114. Gays/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender
    1. Colleges & Universities
    2. Crisis Intervention & Counseling
    3. Home & Family
    4. Media & Culture
    5. Political & Legal Issues
    6. Publications
    7. Religion
    8. Travel
  115. Genealogy
  116. Geography
  117. Gifts
  118. Golf
  119. Government Information/Services
  120. Graphic Novels
  121. Health
    1. AIDS/HIV Treatment & Prevention
    2. CPR
    3. Children
    4. Disabilities
    5. Diseases & Conditions
    6. Healthcare Administration & Management
    7. Health Insurance
    8. Institutes
    9. Medical History
    10. Travel Resources
  122. History
    1. Africa
    2. Americas
    3. Ancient
    4. Arctic & Antarctica
    5. Asia
    6. Australia & Oceania
    7. Canada
    8. Current Affairs
    9. Documents and Landmarks
    10. Europe
    11. Mexico
    12. Middle East
    13. Russia
    14. United States
    15. World
  123. Hobbies
    1. Radio Operation
    2. RC Cars
    3. RC Planes
    4. Models
    5. Model Trains
  124. Hockey
  125. Holidays & Celebrations
  126. Home
    1. Construction
    2. Decks & Patios
    3. Decorating/Painting
    4. Electrical
    5. Flooring
    6. Heating & Air Conditioning
    7. Home Automation
    8. Home Design
    9. Home Improvements & Repair
    10. Inspection
    11. Interior Design
    12. Plumbing
  127. Horror
    1. Dark Fantasy
    2. Ghosts
    3. Occult
    4. Vampires
  128. Horses
  129. Humor
    1. Cartoons
    2. Jokes
  130. Hunting
  131. Hypnosis
  132. Insects
  133. Insurance
    1. Automobile
    2. Companies
    3. Homeowners/Renters
  134. Internet
    1. Antispam
    2. Chats and Social Groups
    3. Connecting
    4. Connection Speed
    5. Email
    6. Instant Messaging & Internet Phone
    7. Online Telephone Directories
    8. Opt-In Email
    9. Privacy
    10. Search Engines
    11. Security/Virus Hoaxes
    12. Web Page Development
    13. Web Page Software & Resources
  135. Inventions and Inventors
  136. Jails
  137. Janitorial
    1. Services
    2. Supplies
  138. Jetski
  139. Jewelry
    1. Appraisal
    2. Designer & Designers
    3. Repair
  140. Jobs/Employment
    1. Company Information
    2. Employee Incentives
    3. Human Resource Assistance
    4. Job-Hunting Tips
    5. Job Search
    6. Job-Sharing Tips
  141. Journalism
  142. Junk
  143. Kids
    1. Kids’ Internet Games
    2. Safe Surfing
    3. Sites by Kids
  144. Knitting
  145. Landscape
    1. Lawn Care
    2. Planning
    3. Shrubs
    4. Trees
  146. Languages/Linguistics
    1. Chinese
    2. English
    3. Farsi
    4. French
    5. General Language and Linguistics
    6. German
    7. Greek
    8. Italian
    9. Japanese
    10. Learning Languages
    11. Russian
    12. Sign Language
    13. Spanish
  147. Law
    1. Cyber Law & Cyberspace Issues
    2. Law Schools
    3. Legal Organizations
    4. Legal Publications
  148. Literature
  149. Magic
  150. Manga (See Graphic Novels): Maps
  151. Marketing
  152. Marriage
  153. Martial Arts
    1. Capoeira
    2. Judo
    3. Jujitsu
    4. Kung Fu
    5. Shotokan
    6. Tae Kwon Do
    7. Tai Chi
  154. Mathematics
    1. Algebra
    2. Calculus
    3. Chaos
    4. Fractals
    5. Geometry
    6. Mathematicians
    7. Numeric Analysis
    8. Statistics
    9. Trigonometry
  155. Mediation
  156. Medicine
    1. Drug Information
    2. First-Aid Information
    3. Medical Resources
    4. Nursing (See Nursing)
    5. Pain Management
  157. Memory
  158. Men & Men’s Issues
  159. Men’s Health
  160. Mental Health Disorders
    1. Agoraphobia
    2. Anorexia Nervosa (See Mental Health Disorders—Eating Disorders)
    3. Anxiety & Panic Disorders
    4. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    5. Autism & Asperger’s Syndrome
    6. Bipolar Disorder (See Also Mental Health Disorders—Depression)
    7. Conduct Disorder
    8. Cyclothymic Disorder (See Mental Health Disorder—Bipolar Disordeer)
    9. Delirium
    10. Dementia
    11. Depression
    12. Eating Disorders
    13. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
    14. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (See Mental Health Disorder—Conduct Disorder)
    15. Panic Disorder (See Mental Health Disorders—Anxiety & Panic Disorders)
    16. Paranoia
    17. Personality Disorders
    18. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    19. Psychosis
    20. Schizophrenia
    21. Tourette’s Syndrome
  161. Mexico
  162. Motivational & Self-Improvement Information
  163. Motorcycles/Choppers
  164. Movies/Films
    1. Festivals
    2. Independent Films
    3. Reviews
    4. Studios
    5. Theaters
  165. Museums
    1. Architecture
    2. Art
    3. History & Culture
    4. Natural History
    5. Photography & Film
    6. Organizations
    7. Science & Technology
  166. Music
    1. Buying CDs
    2. Buying MP3s
    3. Information, News, & Reviews
    4. Lyrics
    5. MP3Sharing/Search Engines
    6. Music Events
    7. Music Genres—Alternative
    8. Music Genres—Bluegrass
    9. Music Genres—Christian Music
    10. Music Genres—Classical
    11. Music Genres—Country
    12. Music Genres—Ethnic
    13. Music Genres—Jazz
    14. Music Genres—Opera
    15. Music Genres—Pop Music
    16. Music Software: MP3 Players, Rippers, and Burners
    17. Music: Instruments
    18. Organizations and Clubs
    19. Radio Sites
  167. Mystery
  168. Mythology
  169. Nature
  170. Needlecrafts
  171. Networking
  172. New Age
  173. News
    1. Resources
    2. Services
    3. U.S. News Media
    4. Webzines
  174. Nonprofit & Charitable Organizations—Resources
    1. Associations
    2. Charitable Contributions
    3. Fundraising
    4. Organizations
    5. Volunteering
  175. Nursing
  176. Nutrition (See Diet & Nutrition)
  177. Oceans
  178. Office Management
    1. Office Supply Stores
    2. Resources & Tips
  179. Origami
  180. Osteoporosis
  181. Painting
  182. Parenting
    1. Adolescents
    2. Babies and Toddlers (See Also, Babies)
    3. K–6
    4. Single Parenting
    5. Special Needs
    6. Stay-at-Home Parents
    7. Stepparenting
  183. Parks
  184. Pediatrics
  185. Pets
    1. Cats (See Cats)
    2. Dogs (See Dogs)
    3. Fish (See Fish/Aquariums)
    4. Exotic
    5. Pet Care
    6. Pet Supplies
  186. Philosophy
  187. Photography
    1. Cameras
    2. Digital Photography
    3. Online Sharing
    4. Resources
  188. Podcasts
  189. Poetry
  190. Poker
  191. Politics
    1. Political Campaigns
    2. Political Parties
  192. Pregnancy & Birth
    1. Birth & Babies
    2. Contraception & Abortion
    3. Infertility
    4. Midwifery
    5. Miscarriage
  193. Presidents & Rulers
  194. Psychiatry (See Also Mental Health Disorders)
  195. Psychology
  196. Publications
    1. Journals & Ezines
    2. Magazines
  197. Quilting
  198. Quotations
  199. Railroads
  200. Real Estate
    1. Buying/Selling
    2. Financing/Mortgages
    3. Flipping
    4. Fraud
    5. Relocation Services
    6. Timeshares
  201. Reference
    1. Dictionaries and Thesauri
    2. Encyclopedias
    3. Libraries
    4. Phone Books
    5. Research Help
  202. Reiki
  203. Relationships
  204. Religion
    1. Ancient
    2. Atheism
    3. Buddhism
    4. Christianity
    5. Cults
    6. Hinduism
    7. Islam
    8. Judaism
    9. Prayer
  205. Retirement
  206. Rock Climbing
  207. Rodeo
  208. Romance
  209. SCI-FI & Fantasy
  210. Scrapbooking
  211. Self-Help (See Motivational & Self-Improvement): Seniors
  212. Sewing
    1. Machines
    2. Patterns
  213. Sexuality
  214. Shopping
    1. Clothing
    2. Comparison Bots
    3. Discount Stores
    4. Jewelry (See Jewelry)
    5. Perfume
    6. Search Engines
    7. Specialty
  215. Skating
    1. Figure Skating
    2. Inline Skating
    3. Roller Skating
    4. Speed Skating
  216. Skin Care/Cosmetics
  217. Snow Skiing
  218. Snowmobiling
  219. Soccer
  220. Social Work/Services
  221. Softball
  222. Suicide Prevention
  223. Table Tennis
  224. Tattoos/Body Art
  225. Taxes
  226. Teaching
  227. Teens
  228. Television
  229. Tennis
  230. Theater & Musical
  231. Toys
  232. Track & Field
  233. Travel & Vacation
    2. Air Travel
    3. Airlines (see Air Lines)
    4. Budget Travel
    5. Car Rental (see CAR RENTAL)
    6. Car Travel
    7. Cruises
    8. Information/Travel Tips
    9. International Travel
    10. Island Travel
    11. Lodging
    12. Train Travel
    13. U.S. Travel
    14. Weekend Getaways
  234. UFOs
  235. U.S. government information/services
  236. Vegetarian (See Cooking & Recipe—Vegetarian): Veteran & Military Organizations
  237. Veterinary Medicine
  238. Video & Multimedia
    1. DVD
    2. Multimedia Search Engines
    3. Video
  239. Vitamins & Supplements
  240. Volleyball
  241. War
    1. American Civil War
    2. Cold War
    3. Korean War
    4. Vietnam War
    5. War on Terrorism
    6. World War I
    7. World War II
  242. Watches
  243. Water Sports
    1. Rafting
    2. Rowing
    3. Scuba Diving
    4. Snorkeling
    5. Surfing
    6. Swimming
    7. Water-Skiing
  244. Weather & Meteorology
  245. Webcasting
  246. Wedding Planning
  247. Weight Loss
  248. Wine
  249. Women/Women’s Issues
  250. Women’s Health
  251. Woodworking
  252. Wrestling
  253. Writing
  254. Yoga
  255. Youth Organizations
  256. Zoos

Product information

  • Title: Internet Yellow Pages, 2007 Edition
  • Author(s): Mikal E. Belicove, Joe Kraynak
  • Release date: October 2006
  • Publisher(s): Que
  • ISBN: 9780789736291