
Sigfox is a narrowband LPWAN (like NB-IOT) protocol developed in 2009 in Toulouse, France. The founding company goes by the same name. This is another LPWAN technology using the unlicensed ISM bands for a proprietary protocol. Sigfox has some traits that significantly narrow its utility:

  • Up to 140 messages per device daily on uplink (duty cycle of 1%, 6 messages/hour).
  • A payload size of 12 bytes for each message (uplink) and 8 bytes (downlink).
  • A throughput of up to 100 bps uplink and 600 bps downlink.

Originally, Sigfox was unidirectional and intended as a pure sensor network. That implies that only communication from the sensor uplink was supported. Since then a downlink channel has become available.

Sigfox is a patented and closed ...

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