Chapter 29
Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets
1.2 Interpretations related to the application of IAS 37
1.3 Definitions used in IAS 37
2 Objective and Scope of IAS 37
2.2.1 Items outside the scope of IAS 37
2.2.1.A Executory contracts, except where the contract is onerous
2.2.1.B Items covered by another standard
2.2.2 Provisions and other liabilities
2.2.3 Provisions and contingent liabilities
3.1 Determining when a provision should be recognised
3.1.1 ‘An entity has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event’
3.1.3 ‘A reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation’
3.3 Recognising an asset when recognising a provision
4.1 Best estimate of provision
4.2 Dealing with risk and uncertainty in measuring a provision
4.3 Discounting the estimated cash flows to a present value
4.3.5 Unwinding of the discount
4.3.6 The effect of changes in interest rates on the discount rate applied
4.4 Anticipating future events that may affect the estimate of cash flows