International Business: The New Realities, 5th Edition

Book description

For courses in international business.

A modern approach to international business

International Business: The New Realities, 5th Edition caters to a post-millennial student audience, the most diverse and educated generation to date. The book connects to students of the technological age, facing a diverse and evolving economic environment fueled by the internet and multimedia sources. The authors understand and speak to what motivates this group, also known as Generation Z -- their reliance on technology, their drive towards achievement and helping their communities, and their desire to obtain skills they can apply towards meaningful jobs. By addressing their interests and issues such as the competitive job market and challenges faced by advanced economies, the text engages students in the material and preps them for successful careers in international business.

Table of contents

  1. International Business The New Realities
  2. International Business The New Realities
  3. Dedicated to...
  4. Brief Contents
  5. Contents
  6. Preface
    1. New to This Edition
    2. Solving Teaching and Learning Challenges
    3. Developing Employability Skills
    4. Instructor Teaching Resources
  7. Our Reviewers
  8. Focus Group Participants
  9. Our Colleagues, Doctoral Students, and Practitioners
  10. Contributors
  11. Our Pearson Team
  12. About the Authors
  13. Part 1 Foundation Concepts
    1. Chapter 1 Introduction: What Is International Business?
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Instagram: A Global Phenomenon
        1. Questions
      3. What Are the Key Concepts in International Business?
        1. The Nature of International Trade
        2. The Nature of International Investment
        3. Services as Well as Products
        4. The International Financial Services Sector
      4. How Does International Business Differ from Domestic Business?
        1. The Four Risks in Internationalization
      5. Who Participates in International Business?
        1. Focal Firms in International Business
        2. Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
        3. Born Global Firms
        4. Governments and Nongovernmental Organizations
      6. Why Do Firms Internationalize?
      7. Why Study International Business?
        1. Facilitator of the Global Economy and Interconnectedness
        2. Contributor to National Economic Well-Being
        3. A Competitive Advantage for the Firm
        4. A Competitive Advantage for You
        5. An Opportunity to Support Ethics, Sustainability and Corporate Citizenship
      8. CKR Career Preparation Kit: Tangible Process Tools and Travel Abroad Preparation Checklist
      9. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
    2. Chapter 2 Globalization of Markets and the Internationalization of the Firm
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Spotify and the Rise of Born Global Firms
        1. Questions
      3. Market Globalization: Organizing Framework
      4. Driving Forces of Globalization
      5. Technological Advances and Globalization
        1. Information Technology
        2. Digitalization
        3. Communications
        4. Manufacturing
        5. Transportation
      6. Dimensions of Market Globalization
      7. Firm-Level Consequences of Market Globalization: Internationalization of the Firm’s Value Chain
      8. Societal Consequences of Globalization
        1. Contagion: Rapid Spread of Monetary and Financial Crises
        2. Loss of National Sovereignty
        3. Offshoring
        4. Reshoring
        5. Effect on the Poor
        6. Effect on Sustainability and the Natural Environment
        7. Effect on National Culture
        8. Globalization and Africa
      9. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
  14. Part 2 The Environment of International Business
    1. Chapter 3 The Cultural Environment of International Business
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Baidu: Social Media and Culture in China
        1. Questions
      3. Culture and Cross-Cultural Risk
        1. What Culture Is Not
        2. Socialization and Acculturation
      4. Dimensions of Culture
        1. Values and Attitudes
        2. Manners and Customs
        3. Perceptions of Time
        4. Perceptions of Space
        5. Symbolic Productions
        6. Material Productions and Creative Expressions
        7. Education
        8. Social Structure
      5. Role of Language and Religion in Culture
        1. Verbal Language
        2. Nonverbal Communication
        3. Religion
          1. Christianity
          2. Islam
          3. Hinduism
          4. Buddhism
          5. Confucianism
          6. Judaism
      6. Culture’s Effect in International Business
      7. Models and Explanations of Culture
        1. Cultural Metaphors
        2. High- and Low-Context Cultures
        3. Hofstede’s Research on National Culture
        4. Deal Versus Relationship Orientation
      8. Managerial Implications of Culture
        1. Cultural Orientations
        2. How to Acquire Cross-Cultural Competence
      9. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
    2. Chapter 4 Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and Governance in International Business
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. CSR and Sustainability at Coca-Cola
        1. Questions
      3. Ethical Behavior and Its Importance in International Business
        1. Components of Ethical Behavior
        2. Value of Ethical Behavior
        3. Unethical Behavior
        4. Ethical Standards and Dilemmas Around the World
        5. Relativism and Normativism
      4. Ethical Challenges in International Business
        1. Corruption
        2. Bribery
        3. Harmful Work Environment
        4. Unethical Business Practices
        5. Harmful Global Sourcing
        6. Illicit Products and Marketing
        7. Intellectual Property Infringement
      5. Corporate Social Responsibility
        1. Settings of Corporate Social Responsibility
        2. Successes and Failures of CSR
      6. Sustainability
        1. Company Role in Sustainability
      7. The Role of Corporate Governance
        1. Embracing Ethical Behavior
        2. Ethical Standard Approaches for Corporate Governance
        3. A Global Consensus
        4. Going Deep, Wide, and Local
        5. Benefits of Corporate Governance
      8. A Framework Tool for Making Ethical Decisions
      9. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
    3. Chapter 5 Theories of International Trade and Investment
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Apple’s Advantages in Global Competition
        1. Questions
      3. Why Do Nations Trade?
        1. Classical Theories
          1. Mercantilism
          2. Absolute Advantage Principle
          3. Comparative Advantage Principle
          4. Factor Proportions Theory
          5. International Product Life Cycle Theory
          6. New Trade Theory
      4. How Can Nations Enhance Their Competitive Advantage?
        1. The Competitive Advantage of Nations
        2. Determinants of National Competitiveness
        3. National Industrial Policy
        4. National Industrial Policy in Practice
      5. Why and How Do Firms Internationalize?
        1. Internationalization Process of the Firm
        2. Born Global Firms
      6. How Can Internationalizing Firms Gain and Sustain Competitive Advantage?
        1. FDI-Based Explanations
          1. Monopolistic Advantage Theory
          2. Internalization Theory
        2. Dunning’s Eclectic Paradigm
          1. Ownership-Specific Advantages
          2. Location-Specific Advantages
          3. Internalization Advantages
        3. Non-FDI-Based Explanations
          1. International Collaborative Ventures
          2. Networks and Relational Assets
      7. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
    4. Chapter 6 Political and Legal Systems in National Environments
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Risks in Brazil’s Political and Legal Systems: Odebrecht
        1. Questions
      3. Political and Legal Environments in International Business
      4. Political Systems
        1. Authoritarianism
        2. Socialism
        3. Democracy
        4. National Governance and Economic Prosperity
        5. The Relationship Between Political Systems and Economic Systems
          1. Command Economy
          2. Market Economy
          3. Mixed Economy
      5. Legal Systems
        1. Common Law
        2. Civil Law
        3. Religious Law
        4. Mixed Systems
      6. Participants in Political and Legal Systems
        1. Government
        2. International Organizations
        3. Regional Trade Organizations
        4. Special Interest Groups
        5. Competing Firms
      7. Types of Country Risk Produced by Political Systems
        1. Government Takeover of Corporate Assets
        2. Embargoes and Sanctions
        3. Boycotts Against Firms or Nations
        4. Terrorism
        5. War, Insurrection, and Violence
      8. Types of Country Risk Produced by Legal Systems
        1. Country Risk Arising from the Host-Country Legal Environment
          1. Foreign Investment Laws
          2. Controls on Operating Forms and Practices
          3. Marketing and Distribution Laws
          4. Laws on Income Repatriation
          5. Environmental Laws
          6. Contract Laws
          7. Internet and E-Commerce Regulations
          8. Inadequate or Underdeveloped Legal Systems
        2. Country Risk Arising from the Home-Country Legal Environment
          1. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
          2. Accounting and Reporting Laws
          3. Transparency in Financial Reporting
      9. Managing Country Risk
        1. Proactive Environmental Scanning
        2. Strict Adherence to Ethical Standards
        3. Alliances with Qualified Local Partners
        4. Protection Through Legal Contracts
      10. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
    5. Chapter 7 Government Intervention and Regional Economic Integration
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. India’s Transformation to a Liberal Economy
        1. Questions
      3. The Nature of Government Intervention
        1. Defensive Rationale
          1. Protection of the National Economy
          2. Protection of an Infant Industry
          3. National Security
          4. National Culture and Identity
        2. Offensive Rationale
          1. National Strategic Priorities
          2. Increasing Employment
      4. Instruments of Government Intervention
        1. Tariffs
        2. Nontariff Trade Barriers
        3. Investment Barriers
        4. Subsidies and Other Government Support Programs
      5. Evolution and Consequences of Government Intervention
      6. How Firms Can Respond to Government Intervention
        1. Strategies for Managers
          1. Research to Gather Knowledge and Intelligence
          2. Choose the Most Appropriate Entry Strategies
          3. Take Advantage of Foreign Trade Zones
          4. Seek Favorable Customs Classifications for Exported Products
          5. Take Advantage of Investment Incentives and Other Government Support Programs
          6. Lobby for Freer Trade and Investment
      7. Regional Integration and Economic Blocs
        1. Levels of Regional Integration
      8. Leading Economic Blocs
        1. The European Union
        2. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
      9. Advantages and Implications of Regional Integration
        1. Expand Market Size
        2. Achieve Scale Economies and Enhanced Productivity
        3. Attract Direct Investment from Outside the Bloc
        4. Acquire Stronger Defensive and Political Posture
      10. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
    6. Chapter 8 Understanding Emerging Markets
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. New Global Challengers: Top Firms from Emerging Markets
        1. Questions
      3. Advanced Economies, Developing Economies, and Emerging Markets
        1. Advanced Economies
        2. Developing Economies
        3. Emerging Market Economies
      4. What Makes Emerging Markets Attractive for International Business?
        1. Emerging Markets as Target Markets
        2. Emerging Markets as Manufacturing Bases
        3. Emerging Markets as Sourcing Destinations
      5. Assessing the True Potential of Emerging Markets
        1. Per-Capita Income as an Indicator of Market Potential
        2. Middle Class as an Indicator of Market Potential
      6. Risks and Challenges of Emerging Markets
        1. Political Instability
        2. Weak Intellectual Property Protection
        3. Bureaucracy, Red Tape, and Lack of Transparency
        4. Poor Physical Infrastructure
        5. Partner Availability and Qualifications
        6. Likely Resistance from Family Conglomerates
      7. Success Strategies for Emerging Markets
        1. Customize Offerings to Unique Emerging Market Needs
        2. Partner with Family Conglomerates
        3. Target Governments in Emerging Markets
        4. Skillfully Challenge Emerging Market Competitors
      8. Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and the Crisis of Global Poverty
        1. Foster Economic Development
        2. Microfinance to Facilitate Entrepreneurship
        3. The Special Case of Africa
      9. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
    7. Chapter 9 The International Monetary and Financial Environment
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. The European Union and the Euro
        1. Questions
      3. Exchange Rates and Currencies in International Business
        1. Convertible and Nonconvertible Currencies
        2. Foreign Exchange Markets
        3. Currency Risk
      4. How Exchange Rates Are Determined
        1. Economic Growth
        2. Inflation and Interest Rates
        3. Market Psychology
        4. Government Action
      5. Emergence of the Modern Exchange Rate System
        1. The Bretton Woods Agreement
        2. The Modern Exchange Rate System
          1. The Floating Exchange Rate System
          2. The Fixed Exchange Rate System
      6. The Monetary and Financial Systems
        1. International Monetary System
        2. Global Financial System
      7. Key Players in the Monetary and Financial Systems
        1. The Firm
        2. National Stock Exchanges and Bond Markets
        3. Commercial Banks
        4. Central Banks
        5. The Bank for International Settlements
        6. International Monetary Fund
        7. The World Bank
      8. The Global Debt Crisis
      9. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
    8. Chapter 10 Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. How a Small Firm Navigates Currency Risk
        1. Questions
        2. Key Tasks in International Financial Management
      3. Choosing a Capital Structure
      4. Raising Funds for the Firm
        1. Financial Centers
        2. Sources of Funds for International Operations
          1. Equity Financing
          2. Debt Financing
            1. International Loans
            2. The Eurocurrency Market
            3. Bonds
            4. Intra-corporate Financing
      5. Managing Working Capital and Cash Flow
        1. Methods for Transferring Funds within the MNE
        2. Multilateral Netting
      6. Performing Capital Budgeting
        1. Net Present Value Analysis of Capital Investment Projects
      7. Managing Currency Risk
        1. Three Types of Currency Exposure
        2. Foreign-Exchange Trading
        3. Types of Currency Traders
        4. Exchange-Rate Forecasting
        5. Managing Exposure to Currency Risk Through Hedging
        6. Hedging Instruments
        7. Best Practice in Minimizing Currency Exposure
      8. Managing the Diversity of International Accounting and Tax Practices
        1. Transparency in Financial Reporting
        2. Trends Toward Harmonization
        3. Consolidating the Financial Statements of Subsidiaries
        4. International Taxation
        5. Managing International Finance to Minimize Tax Burden
      9. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Appendix
          1. The Math of Currency Trading
        6. Endnotes
  15. Part 3 Strategy and Opportunity Assessment
    1. Chapter 11 Strategy and Organization in the International Firm
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. IKEA: Global Retailing Success Story
        1. Questions
      3. Strategy in International Business
        1. Efficiency
        2. Flexibility
        3. Learning
      4. Building the Global Firm
        1. Visionary Leadership
        2. Organizational Culture
        3. Organizational Processes
        4. The Distinction Between Multidomestic and Global Industries
      5. The Integration-Responsiveness Framework
      6. Strategies Based on the Integration-Responsiveness Framework
      7. Organizational Structure in International Business
        1. Centralized or Decentralized Structure?
        2. Organizational Structures for International Operations
          1. Export Department
          2. International Division Structure
          3. Geographic Area Structure
          4. Product Structure
          5. Functional Structure
          6. Global Matrix Structure
      8. Foreign Market Entry Strategies
      9. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
    2. Chapter 12 Global Market Opportunity Assessment
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Estimating Demand in Emerging Markets
        1. Questions
      3. Analyzing Organizational Readiness to Internationalize
      4. Assessing the Suitability of Products and Services for Foreign Markets
      5. Screening Countries to Identify Target Markets
        1. Screening Countries for Exporting
          1. Screening Methodology for Potential Country Markets
            1. Gradual elimination
            2. Indexing and ranking
          2. Assessing the Export Potential of Emerging Markets
        2. Country Screening for Foreign Direct Investment
        3. Country Screening for Manufacturing Competitiveness and Sourcing
      6. Assessing Industry Market Potential
        1. Data Sources for Estimating Industry Market Potential
      7. Choosing Foreign Business Partners
        1. Criteria for Choosing a Partner
        2. Searching for Prospective Partners
      8. Estimating Company Sales Potential
        1. Practical Approaches to Estimating Company Sales Potential
        2. In Conclusion
      9. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
  16. Part 4 Entering and Working in International Markets
    1. Chapter 13 Exporting and Global Sourcing
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Exporter’s Dogged Pursuit of International Customers
        1. Questions
      3. Exporting as a Foreign Market Entry Strategy
        1. Service Sector Exports
        2. A Systematic Approach to Exporting
          1. Step One: Assess Global Market Opportunity
          2. Step Two: Organize for Exporting
          3. Step Three: Acquire Needed Skills and Competencies
          4. Step Four: Implement Exporting Strategy
        3. Importing
      4. Managing Export-Import Transactions
        1. Documentation
        2. Shipping and Incoterms
        3. Payment Methods in Exporting and Importing
          1. Cash in Advance
          2. Letter of Credit
          3. Open Account
          4. Countertrade
        4. Financing
      5. Identifying and Working with Foreign Intermediaries
        1. Finding Foreign Intermediaries
        2. Working with Foreign Intermediaries
        3. When Intermediary Relations Go Bad
      6. Outsourcing, Global Sourcing, and Offshoring
        1. Decision 1: Outsource or Not?
        2. Decision 2: Where in the World Should Value-Adding Activities Be Located?
        3. Global Sourcing
      7. Benefits, Risks, and Responsibilities of Global Sourcing
        1. Benefits of Global Sourcing
          1. Cost Efficiency
          2. Ability to Achieve Strategic Goals
        2. Risks of Global Sourcing
        3. Reshoring and Nearshoring
        4. Corporate Social Responsibility
      8. Global Sourcing Strategies and Supply-Chain Management
        1. Global Supply-Chain Management
      9. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
    2. Chapter 14 Foreign Direct Investment and Collaborative Ventures
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Huawei Invests in Africa
        1. Questions
      3. International Investment and Collaboration
        1. Volume of Foreign Direct Investment and Collaborative Ventures
        2. Most Active Firms in FDI
        3. Service Firms and FDI
        4. Leading Destinations for FDI
        5. Factors to Consider in Choosing FDI Locations
      4. Characteristics of Foreign Direct Investment
        1. Ethics, Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and FDI
      5. Motives for FDI and Collaborative Ventures
        1. Market-Seeking Motives
        2. Resource- or Asset-Seeking Motives
        3. Efficiency-Seeking Motives
      6. Types of Foreign Direct Investment
        1. Greenfield Investment Versus Mergers and Acquisitions
        2. The Nature of Ownership in FDI
        3. Vertical versus Horizontal Integration
      7. International Collaborative Ventures
        1. Equity Joint Ventures
        2. Project-Based, Nonequity Ventures
        3. Differences Between Equity and Project-Based, Nonequity Ventures
        4. Consortium
        5. Cross-Licensing Agreements
        6. Potential Risks in Collaboration
        7. Managing Collaborative Ventures
      8. The Experience of Retailers in Foreign Markets
        1. How Retailers Succeed in International Markets
      9. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
    3. Chapter 15 Licensing, Franchising, and Other Contractual Strategies
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. The Magic of Licensing: Harry Potter
        1. Questions
      3. Contractual Entry Strategies
        1. Unique Aspects of Contractual Relationships
      4. Licensing as an Entry Strategy
        1. Trademark and Copyright Licensing
        2. Know-How Licensing
        3. The World’s Top Licensing Firms
      5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Licensing
        1. Advantages of Licensing
        2. Disadvantages of Licensing
      6. Franchising as an Entry Strategy
        1. Who Are the Top Global Franchisors?
      7. Advantages and Disadvantages of Franchising
        1. The Franchisor Perspective
        2. The Franchisee Perspective
        3. Managerial Guidelines for Licensing and Franchising
      8. Other Contractual Entry Strategies
        1. Turnkey Contracting
        2. Build-Operate-Transfer Arrangements (BOT)
        3. Management Contracts
        4. Leasing
        5. The Special Case of Internationalization by Professional Service Firms
      9. Infringement of Intellectual Property: A Global Problem
        1. Guidelines for Protecting Intellectual Property
      10. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
  17. Part 5 Functional Area Excellence
    1. Chapter 16 Marketing in the Global Firm
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. Michael Kors: The Global Affordable Luxury Market
        1. Questions
      3. Global Market Segmentation
      4. Standardization and Adaptation of International Marketing
        1. Standardization
        2. Adaptation
        3. Standardization and Adaptation: A Balancing Act
      5. Global Branding and Product Development
        1. Global Branding
        2. Global Product Development
      6. International Pricing
        1. Factors That Affect International Pricing
        2. Framework for Setting International Prices
        3. Managing International Price Escalation
        4. Managing Pricing Under Varying Currency Conditions
        5. Transfer Pricing
        6. Gray Market Activity (Parallel Imports)
      7. International Marketing Communications
        1. International Advertising
        2. International Promotional Activities
      8. International Distribution
        1. Global Account Management
      9. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
    2. Chapter 17 Human Resource Management in the Global Firm
      1. Learning Objectives
      2. International Human Resource Management at Google
        1. Questions
      3. The Strategic Role of Human Resources in International Business
        1. Differences Between Domestic and International HRM
        2. Key Tasks in International Human Resource Management
      4. International Staffing Policy
        1. Recruiting, Selecting, and Developing Talent
        2. Cultivating Global Mind-Sets
        3. Cultural Intelligence
        4. Expatriate Assignment Failure and Culture Shock
      5. Preparation and Training of International Employees
        1. Preparing Employees for Repatriation
        2. Charting Global Careers for Employees
      6. Performance Appraisal and Compensation of International Employees
        1. Compensation
      7. International Labor Relations
        1. Distinctive Features of Labor Around the World
        2. Cost, Quality, and Productivity of Labor
        3. Workforce Reduction and Employee Termination
        4. International Labor Trends
        5. Firm Strategy in International Labor Relations
      8. Diversity in the International Workforce
        1. Women in International Business
        2. Success Strategies for Women Managers in International Business
      9. End-of-Chapter Review
        1. Key Terms
        2. Summary
        3. Test Your Comprehension
        4. Apply Your Understanding
        5. Endnotes
  18. Glossary
  19. Author Index
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
    5. E
    6. F
    7. G
    8. H
    9. I
    10. J
    11. K
    12. L
    13. M
    14. N
    15. O
    16. P
    17. R
    18. S
    19. T
    20. U
    21. V
    22. W
    23. Y
    24. Z
  20. Company Index
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
    5. E
    6. F
    7. G
    8. H
    9. I
    10. J
    11. K
    12. L
    13. M
    14. N
    15. O
    16. P
    17. Q
    18. R
    19. S
    20. T
    21. U
    22. V
    23. W
    24. Y
    25. Z
  21. Subject Index
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
    5. E
    6. F
    7. G
    8. H
    9. I
    10. J
    11. K
    12. L
    13. M
    14. N
    15. O
    16. P
    17. Q
    18. R
    19. S
    20. T
    21. U
    22. V
    23. W
    24. Z

Product information

  • Title: International Business: The New Realities, 5th Edition
  • Author(s): S. Tamer Cavusgil, Gary Knight, John R. Riesenberger
  • Release date: January 2019
  • Publisher(s): Pearson
  • ISBN: 9780136763017