Chapter 5


42 Dixit, J.N. (2003); Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament; India’s Foreign Policy: 1947-2003, Picus Books: New Delhi, p.280.

43 Chengappa, Raj (2000). Weapons of Peace-The Secret Story of India’s Quest to be a Nuclear Power, New Delhi, HarperCollins India, p. 71.

44 Ghose, Arundhati (2007); Disarmament and India’s nuclear diplomacy: evolution of a ‘reluctant’ nuclear weapon state in Mohta and Sinha (ed.); Indian Foreign Policy : Challenges and Opportunities, Foreign Service Institute : New Delhi, p.982.

45 Op.cit. 38, p.284.

46 CRS issues brief for congress, Nuclear non proliferation issues, p.CRS4.

47 Op.cit. 40, p.991.

48 Statement by Ambassador V.C. Trivedi to the ENDC on 15 February 1966, Documents on India’s Nuclear Disarmament ...

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