In Your Power

Book description

Be Powerful in a World that Can Make You Feel Powerless

Whether dealing with an underperforming team member, an undervaluing boss, an undermining colleague, a difficult family member or partner, or the overwhelm of too much to do, we can find ourselves feeling “out of our power.” In this state of feeling ‘done to,’ emotionally hijacked, or in a mental swirl, the typical things we do to try to make it better often make it worse.

Based on her research at Harvard Medical School and twenty years as a business psychologist, Dr. Sharon Melnick, a Marshall Goldsmith Top 100 Coach, shows you how to get back “in your power,” where you see how much you can control to show up as your best self and get the outcome you want. In Your Power: React Less, Regain Control, Raise Others guides you through twelve Power Portals, giving you a new approach to stop reacting to others’ limitations and instead raise yourself and others to be limitless. You will be able to:

  • Reframe the problem to instantly find new solutions that benefit everyone and improve the culture you are all dealing with
  • Neutralize the emotional effects of other people’s negativity, rather than internalizing it, and recover quickly
  • Align others with your vision and powerful truth so they are emotionally moved and engaged to act

The insights you’ll learn fuel resilience and well-being, rather than burnout, which comes from lack of power. In Your Power will help you win the promotion, get team members to perform at your standards, grow your business, connect with difficult loved ones, and maximize what you can control in the face of world events. With this bulletproof recipe, you can set the tone and be the best version of yourself all day long, no matter what situation you find yourself in.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  5. Introduction
    1. Notes
  6. PART I: Be the Thermostat (Not the Thermometer)
    1. CHAPTER 1: From Out of Your Power to In Your Power
      1. What Happens When You Are Kicked Out of Your Power?
      2. Three Power Derailers: Overcome Your Hardwiring to Be in Your Power
      3. Turning a Vicious Cycle into a Virtuous One
      4. Notes
    2. CHAPTER 2: From Chaos to Control
      1. The 50% Rule
      2. How to Begin Accessing the Portals
      3. Notes
  7. PART II: Portals to Be In Your Power
    1. CHAPTER 3: Precision: From Instinctive to Intentional
      1. The Three Questions for Creating New Outcomes When Out of Your Power
      2. Who Do You Need to Show Up as in Order to Move the Situation in That Direction?
      3. Bring Your Horizon Point into Your Every Day
      4. Notes
    2. CHAPTER 4: Perspective: From Casualty to Creator
      1. You Can't Grow Past Your Beliefs, But You Can Change Them
      2. Your Ability Is Infinite if You Keep Cultivating It
      3. Get a 3D Perspective on the Situation
      4. You Want to See the Hologram of Any Scenario You're Struggling With
      5. Note
    3. CHAPTER 5: Physiology: From Hijack to Natural High
      1. Return to a State of Calm
      2. “Feeling Is Healing”
      3. Fill Yourself Back Up!
      4. Notes
    4. CHAPTER 6: Purpose: From Your Small Game to Your Big Game
      1. Playing Your Small Game versus Your Big Game
      2. Finding Your Purpose
      3. Shift Your Focus to Those You're Serving
      4. Be the Champion and Steward of Your Beneficiaries
      5. Notes
    5. CHAPTER 7: Psyche: From React to Reclaim
      1. The Stories You Tell Determine the Quality of Your Life
      2. You Have the Power to Choose a New Story
      3. Why You Chose Your Story
      4. Change Your Lead Story into a Life Story
      5. You Can Own the Narrative of Your Life
      6. Assign Your Story to a Part of You
      7. You Can Move beyond Your Storyline
      8. Notes
    6. CHAPTER 8: Proficiency: From Invisible to Invaluable
      1. Be Confident—and Objective—about Your Proficiency
      2. Note
  8. PART III: Portals to Use Your Interpersonal Power for the Good of All
    1. CHAPTER 9: Persuasion: From Unheard to Undeniable
      1. Persuasion Pitfall #1: Asking, Not Aligning
      2. Appeal to Both Their Business and Personal Interests
      3. Persuasion Pitfall #2: From Single Conversation to Stakeholder Campaign
      4. Persuasion Pitfall #3: Not Clearly Providing a Framework
      5. Persuasion Pitfall #4 Focusing on Past Achievements to the Exclusion of Future Ones
      6. Persuasion Pitfall #5: Not Making It Easy for Your Decision Maker to Implement Your Idea
      7. Notes
    2. CHAPTER 10: Partnership: From My Problem to Our Solution
      1. You Want to Transfer the Ownership of the Problem
      2. Make Them an Active Part of the Process
      3. See Yourself as the Steward of the Whole Scenario
      4. Infuse the Situation with Light
      5. Note
    3. CHAPTER 11: Protection: From Silent Suffering to Sovereignty
      1. Boundaries to Protect Your Time, Attention, and Energy
      2. Proactive Boundaries to Prevent Overwhelm at Work
      3. Set Boundaries to Carve Out Time you Need
      4. Use Active Questions to Take Back Control over Intrusive People
      5. Reactive Boundaries
      6. Protection beyond Boundaries: Putting Up Barriers
      7. The Special Problem of Narcissists
      8. The Special Case of Harassment
      9. Notes
    4. CHAPTER 12: Powerful Truth: From Angry to Authentic
      1. Transcend Your Personal Hurt and Frame the Collective Hurt
      2. Use a Strategic Display of Emotion
      3. Connect the Dots and Bust Myths That Perpetuate the Problem
      4. Create an Opportunity to Educate and Encourage Partnership
      5. Reclaim the Definition of Words so They Don't Hurt You
      6. Notes
    5. CHAPTER 13: People: From Alone to Amplified
      1. We Are Wired to Co‐Regulate
      2. People Hold Up a Mirror for Us
      3. The Power of the Posse
      4. People Can Give You Feedback to See Your Blind Spots
      5. Seek People Who Can Catalyze Your Power
      6. Seek Out Mentors, Sponsors, and Allies
      7. Notes
    6. CHAPTER 14: Position: From Overlooking Your Power to Owning It
      1. Bring Consciousness into the Use of Power in Your Position
      2. Focus on Your Why
      3. Be Successful at Using Your Power
      4. Use the Leverage You Already Have but May Be Overlooking
      5. Leverage Your Power
      6. Create the Weather on Your Team
      7. Growing Power in Others Grows Your Power
      8. Become a Sponsor
      9. Engage in Allyship
      10. Leverage the Power of Platform
      11. Notes
  9. PART IV: Create a Ripple Effect
    1. CHAPTER 15: Power Is a Lifestyle
  10. Acknowledgments
  11. Index
  12. End User License Agreement

Product information

  • Title: In Your Power
  • Author(s): Sharon Melnick
  • Release date: November 2022
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9781119898863