Chapter 14. SLO Evolution
Service level objectives work best when youâre willing to let them change and grow as your service does. The reality is that your service will change over time, be it in terms of increased or decreased use, changes in the performance of your dependencies, the retirement of old hardware/introduction of new hardware, or shifting expectations of behavior from your users. When these things change, your SLOs should change with them.
Additionally, even if there are no drastic shifts, youâre not always going to be able to pick the correct targetsâespecially when youâre first starting out. Until youâve been analyzing your measurements for some time, you canât be entirely certain that the targets youâve set for yourself are reasonable.
Finally, you can use aspirational SLOs when you know that your service is in a bad state and that your users are unhappy. Use SLOs to drive change! In these cases, you should be using the immediate error budget burn as a signal to your team and others that reliability work needs to be a focus. As you improve the reliability of your systems, you can make these targets more stringent in an iterative manner.
Revisiting your SLO definitions may sound like a simple process, but there is quite a lot to consider in order to do so in the most effective manner. There are many reasons why SLOs might have to change, and some of those reasons canât be predicted. The discussions that surround the process of changing ...
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