Chapter 13. Integrating Data Mesh and Generative AI

Generative AI (GenAI) is emerging as a new foundational technology that is driving a wave of innovation throughout business and IT. By leveraging the capabilities of GenAI within the decentralized framework of Data Mesh, organizations are poised to unleash a torrent of innovation that has the potential to revolutionize their data-driven decision-making processes!

In this chapter, we explore how GenAI and older-style AI and machine learning (referred to collectively as “AI”) can supercharge Data Mesh capabilities. We explain how Data Mesh, data products, and data contracts offer new capabilities to improve the quality of the data required to create accurate and useful AI models. We show how AI models can be offered as data product artifacts that complement the data already provided by data products. We illustrate how AI can be components of data products that permit transformation of ingested data into a form that drives value for data product consumers. Finally, we discuss how AI is used to complement the basic capabilities of data products.

Generative AI Background

Wikipedia defines generative AI as “artificial intelligence capable of generating text, images, videos, or other data using generative models, often in response to prompts.” Wikipedia also states that GenAI “models learn the patterns and structure of their input training data and then generate new data that has similar characteristics.”

GenAI has many uses today. ...

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