Book description
The Web services support in CICS Transaction Server Version 3.1 enables your CICS programs to be Web service providers or requesters. CICS supports a number of specifications including SOAP Version 1.1 and Version 1.2, and Web services distributed transactions (WS-Atomic Transaction).
This IBM Redbooks publication will help you configure the CICS Web services support for both HTTP and WebSphere MQ based solutions. We show how Web services can be used to integrate J2EE applications running in WebSphere Application Server with COBOL programs running in CICS.
It begins with an overview of Web services standards and the Web services support provided by CICS TS V3.1. Complete details for configuring CICS Web services using both HTTP and WebSphere MQ are provided next, along with the steps for using Web services to connect to CICS from a service integration bus. The book then shows how CICS Web services can be secured using a combination of Web Services Security (WS-Security) and transport-level security mechanisms such as SSL/TLS. Finally, it demonstrates how atomic Web services transactions can be configured to allow WebSphere and CICS resource updates to be synchronized.
This book concentrates on implementation specifics such as security, transactions, and availability. The companion book Developing CICS Web Services (SG24-7126) presents detailed information about developing CICS Web services.
Table of contents
- Notices
- Preface
- Summary of changes
- Part 1: Introduction
- Chapter 1: Overview of Web services
- Chapter 2: CICS support for Web services
- Part 2: Web service configuration
- Chapter 3: Web services using HTTP
- Chapter 4: Web services using WebSphere MQ
- Chapter 5: Connecting CICS to the service integration bus
- Part 3: Security management
Chapter 6: Elements of cryptography
- 6.1: The role of cryptography
- 6.2: Secret key (or symmetric) cryptography
- 6.3: Public key (or asymmetric) cryptography
- 6.4: Hash functions
- 6.5: Message authentication codes
- 6.6: Digital signatures
- 6.7: Public key digital certificates
- 6.8: Certificate revocation lists
- 6.9: Key agreement protocols
- 6.10: Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 protocol
- Chapter 7: Crypto hardware and ICSF
- Chapter 8: Securing Web services
- Chapter 9: Security scenarios
Chapter 10: Security scenarios using CICS WS-Security support
- 10.1: Preparation
- 10.2: Basic security configuration
- 10.3: Basic authentication
- 10.4: Certificate and key pair generation (1/3)
- 10.4: Certificate and key pair generation (2/3)
- 10.4: Certificate and key pair generation (3/3)
10.5: Signing a SOAP message
- Configuring the service requester for signature processing (1/3)
- Configuring the service requester for signature processing (2/3)
- Configuring the service requester for signature processing (3/3)
- Configuring CICS for signature processing
- Testing the signature scenario (1/2)
- Testing the signature scenario (2/2)
- 10.6: Encrypting a SOAP message
- Part 4: Transaction management
- Chapter 11: Introduction to Web services: Atomic transactions
- Chapter 12: Enabling atomic transactions
Chapter 13: Transaction scenarios
- 13.1: Introduction to our scenarios
13.2: The simple atomic transaction scenario
- Setting up CICS for the simple scenario
- Creating the AtomicClient and ITSO.ORDER table (1/4)
- Creating the AtomicClient and ITSO.ORDER table (2/4)
- Creating the AtomicClient and ITSO.ORDER table (3/4)
- Creating the AtomicClient and ITSO.ORDER table (4/4)
- Testing the simple scenario (1/5)
- Testing the simple scenario (2/5)
- Testing the simple scenario (3/5)
- Testing the simple scenario (4/5)
- Testing the simple scenario (5/5)
- 13.3: The daisy chain atomic transaction scenario
- 13.4: Transaction scenario summary
- Part 5: Appendixes
Appendix A: Sample handler programs
- A.1: Sample message handler program - CIWSMSGH
- A.2: Sample header processing program - CIWSSECH (1/2)
- A.2: Sample header processing program - CIWSSECH (2/2)
- A.3: Sample handler program - SNIFFER (1/3)
- A.3: Sample handler program - SNIFFER (2/3)
- A.3: Sample handler program - SNIFFER (3/3)
- A.4: Sample XML parser program - MYPARSER
- A.5: Sample header processing program - CIWSSECR (1/2)
- A.5: Sample header processing program - CIWSSECR (2/2)
- A.6: Sample header processing program - CIWSSECS
- A.7: Sample header processing program - WSATHND (1/2)
- A.7: Sample header processing program - WSATHND (2/2)
- Appendix B: How the DES, AES, SHA-1, and HMAC algorithms work
- Abbreviations and acronyms
- Related publications
- Index (1/3)
- Index (2/3)
- Index (3/3)
- Back cover
Product information
- Title: Implementing CICS Web Services
- Author(s):
- Release date: October 2007
- Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
- ISBN: None
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