86 IBM Workplace Forms: Guide to building and integrating a sample Workplace Forms application
As an example, we formatted the price and amount with the following properties as shown in
Figure 4-22.
򐂰 Set the
Data Type to Dollar.
򐂰 Set the
Numeric Format to Comma delimit.
򐂰 In the
Constraints on Input section, set the Length to 1 to 10.
If you do not find an appropriate constraint for you purpose you can define an individual
template in the Constraints on Input section to match your requirements on input formatting.
Figure 4-22 Field Format Properties Dialog
4.5.2 Adding input items to the wizard pages
The purpose of the wizard pages is to perform a guided interview for the user that makes it a
lot easier and more intuitive to fill out a complex form. The individual wizard pages break up
the traditional form page in meaningful parts of the information for the user to fill in. A good
approach in adding the input items to these pages is to copy and paste the respective fields
from the traditional form to the wizard pages, since this will also copy your computes along
with the formats. You may then reformat the fields and layout items to fit your needs. (See
Figure 4-23.)

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