IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication on AIX

Book description

IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication Version 3, Release 1 brings support for the advanced copy services capabilities on the DS8000 and DS6000, in addition to the support for ESS model 800 and SVC. This support focuses on automating administration and configuration of these services, operational control (starting, suspending, resuming) copy services tasks and monitoring and managing the copy services sessions.

In addition to the support for FlashCopy and Metro Mirror, TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication V3R1 supports Global Mirror on the ESS800, DS8000, and DS6000 hardware platforms. Advanced disaster recovery functions are also supported with failover/failback (planned and unplanned) from a primary site to a disaster recovery site.

TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication also can monitor the performance of the copy services that provide a measurement of the amount of replication and the amount of time that is required to complete the replication operations.

This IBM Redbooks publication provides the information you need to install TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication, and create and manage replication sessions on AIX. Scenarios are provided that document the work performed in our laboratory setting, using the GUI and CLI.

Table of contents

  1. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  2. Preface
    1. The team that wrote this book
    2. Become a published author
    3. Comments welcome
  3. Chapter 1: TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication introduction
    1. TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication overview
      1. Replication task management and automation
    2. TotalStorage Productivity Center product set
      1. TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication
      2. TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication Two Site BC
      3. Application design
    3. Terminology
      1. TPC for Replication session types and commands
    4. GUI overview
      1. Health Overview panel
    5. TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication console
      1. Command line interface overview
  4. Chapter 2: TPC for Replication planning
    1. TPC for Replication installation planning
    2. Hardware and software requirements
      1. Minimum hardware requirements
      2. Operating system requirements
      3. GUI Client software requirements
      4. Advanced Copy features and Licensed Internal Code requirements
    3. Connect servers to storage subsystems
      1. Physical planning and firewall considerations
      2. TCP/IP ports used by TPC for Replication
      3. SAN Volume Controller
      4. TPC for Replication Server and ESS 800 connectivity
      5. TPC for Replication server and DS6000 connectivity
      6. TPC for Replication server and DS8000 connectivity
      7. New DS8000 Ethernet card feature codes
      8. DS8000 Ethernet card configuration
      9. Define a DS6000 to TPC-RM through the GUI
      10. Define a DS8000 to TPC-RM through the GUI
      11. Invoke CSMCLI
    4. TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication licensing
    5. Pre-installation steps
  5. Chapter 3: Installation on AIX 5.3
    1. DB2 installation (1/2)
    2. DB2 installation (2/2)
    3. TPC for Replication installation (1/2)
    4. TPC for Replication installation (2/2)
      1. Verify the installation
    5. TPC for Replication Two site BC Installation
    6. TPC for Replication 3.1.1 update (1/2)
    7. TPC for Replication 3.1.1 update (2/2)
  6. Chapter 4: Configuration and usage basics on AIX
    1. DS8000 Ethernet card configuration
      1. Use GUI to define Ethernet ports
      2. Use DSCLI to define Ethernet ports
    2. Storage subsystem setup
      1. SAN Volume Controller
    3. User Management in AIX
    4. Signing on to TPC for Replication GUI interface
    5. Remote CLI installation on AIX
    6. TPC for Replication login
  7. Chapter 5: Configuring and using TPC for Replication on AIX
    1. TPC for Replication and SAN Volume Controller
      1. Adding the SAN Volume Controller using the AIX GUI
      2. Adding the SVC with the AIX CLI
      3. Adding a FlashCopy Session using the GUI
    2. Adding a FlashCopy Session using the AIX CLI
      1. Add Copy Sets to a FlashCopy Session using GUI (1/2)
      2. Add Copy Sets to a FlashCopy Session using GUI (2/2)
      3. Add Copy Sets to a FlashCopy Session using CLI
      4. Preparing a FlashCopy Session using GUI
      5. Preparing a FlashCopy Session using CLI
      6. Starting a FlashCopy Session using the GUI
      7. Starting a FlashCopy Session using the CLI
      8. Terminating a FlashCopy Session using the GUI
      9. Terminating a FlashCopy Session using the CLI
      10. Adding a Metro Mirror Session using GUI
      11. Adding a Metro Mirror Session using CLI
      12. Add Copy Sets to a Metro Mirror Session using GUI (1/2)
      13. Add Copy Sets to a Metro Mirror Session using GUI (2/2)
      14. Add Copy Sets to Metro Mirror Session using CLI
      15. Starting a Metro Mirror Session using the GUI
      16. Starting a Metro Mirror Session using the CLI
      17. Suspend a Metro Mirror Session using the GUI
      18. Suspend a Metro Mirror Session using the CLI
      19. Stop a Metro Mirror Session using GUI
      20. Recover a Metro Mirror Session using GUI
      21. Recover a Metro Mirror Session using CLI
      22. Terminate a Metro Mirror Session using GUI
    3. TPC for Replication and ESS 800
      1. Adding the ESS 800 using GUI
      2. Adding the ESS 800 using the CLI
      3. Adding a FlashCopy Session using GUI
      4. Adding a FlashCopy Session using CLI
      5. Add Copy Sets to a FlashCopy Session using GUI
      6. Add Copy Sets to a FlashCopy Session using CLI
      7. Preparing a FlashCopy Session using GUI
      8. Preparing FlashCopy Session using CLI
      9. Starting a FlashCopy Session using GUI
      10. Starting a FlashCopy Session using CLI
      11. Terminating a FlashCopy Session using GUI
      12. Terminating FlashCopy Session using CLI
      13. Adding a Metro Mirror Session using GUI
      14. Add Copy Sets to a Metro Mirror Session (1/2)
      15. Add Copy Sets to a Metro Mirror Session (2/2)
      16. Add Copy Sets to a Metro Mirror Session using CLI
      17. Starting a Metro Mirror Session using the GUI
      18. Starting a Metro Mirror Session using the CLI
      19. Suspending a Metro Mirror Session using GUI
      20. Stop a Metro Mirror Session using GUI
      21. Stop a Metro Mirror Session using CLI
      22. Recover a Metro Mirror Session using GUI
      23. Recover a Metro Mirror Session using CLI
      24. Terminate a Metro Mirror Session using GUI
      25. Terminate a Metro Mirror Session using CLI
      26. Adding a Global Mirror Session using GUI
      27. Adding a Global Mirror Session using CLI
      28. Add Copy Sets to a Global Mirror Session using GUI
      29. Add Copy Sets to a Global Mirror Session using CLI
      30. Starting a Global Mirror Session
      31. Suspending a Global Mirror Session
      32. Recover a Global Mirror Session
      33. Terminate a Metro Mirror Session
      34. Remove Copy Sets (1/2)
      35. Remove Copy Sets (2/2)
      36. Remove Session
      37. View/Modify Session Properties
  8. Chapter 6: Useful hints and tips
    1. Uninstalling TPC for Replication manually on Windows
      1. Deleting the DB2 database
    2. Uninstalling TPC for Replication manually on AIX and Linux
      1. Deleting the DB2 database
    3. Upgrading to TPC for Replication V3.1.1
    4. Sharing a DB2 instance
    5. TPC for Replication V3.1 versus TPC for Replication Two Site BC V3.1
    6. High Availability server platforms
    7. SNMP setup
    8. TPC for Replication logging
      1. Collecting Logs using the TPC for Replication GUI
      2. Collecting logs using the TPC for Replication CLI
      3. Collecting logs manually
      4. Viewing logs
    9. Global Mirror
    10. Auto refresh
  9. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
    2. Other publications
    3. Online resources
    4. How to get IBM Redbooks
    5. Help from IBM
  10. Index (1/2)
  11. Index (2/2)
  12. Back cover

Product information

  • Title: IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication on AIX
  • Author(s): Mary Lovelace, Werner Bauer, Andrew Bentley, Ivo Gomilsek, Paulina Martinez
  • Release date: May 2007
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: None