104 IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning
򐂰 Server platform
For zSeries capacity, there is an allocated logical device report, which shows the logical
device counts per type, as specified in the zSeries logical device configuration dialog window.
For zSeries capacity, there is also a zSeries logical device space report, showing the number
of RAID arrays and extents, and the maximum number of logical devices which could be
specified for each logical device type, assuming all logical device types were that one type.
These numbers are shown for all RAID Arrays and also split out by:
򐂰 DDM type
򐂰 RAID type
4.2.5 Examples
We will now see examples of the Capacity Magic wizard, graphical interface, and reports.
Specifying zSeries logical devices required using the wizard
Figure 4-14 shows how you specify effective capacity required for zSeries servers in the
wizard. You may specify any quantity and combination of 3390 model types. Here we specify
128 3390-9 volumes.
Figure 4-14 Specify effective capacity for zSeries servers in terms of 3390 volumes
Graphical interface
Figure 4-15 on page 105 shows the blank graphical interface for the DS6800 with space for
56 drive sets, before any DDMs are specified.
Chapter 4. Planning and monitoring tools 105
Figure 4-15 Graphical interface before any DDMs are specified
Graphical interface with DDMs specified
Figure 4-16 on page 106 shows a section of the graphical interface after disks have been
specified. Note the toolbars at the top of the window where you specify DDM type (by feature
code), RAID type (for either 4-DDM or 8-DDM Arrays), and server platform. As each choice is
made, an icon appears on each Array Site indicating the selection. Also, Capacity Magic uses
colors and letters to indicate DDMs that are spare, parity or mirror volumes.
Note: Effective August 30, 2005, the number of drive sets on the DS6000 is limited to a
maximum of 32 drive sets (128 DDMs).
106 IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning
Figure 4-16 Graphical interface populated with DDMs
Chapter 4. Planning and monitoring tools 107
RAID Array report
Figure 4-17 is an example of a RAID Array report showing physical and effective capacities in
total and split out by DDM type, RAID type, and server platform.
Figure 4-17 RAID Array report
zSeries logical device space report
Figure 4-18 on page 108 shows an example of zSeries reports including the logical device
space report showing the number of 3390 devices by DDM type and RAID type.
108 IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning
Figure 4-18 zSeries reports
Non-optimum spare configuration
Figure 4-19 shows a section of the graphical interface in which a RAID 5 Array was specified,
followed by a RAID 10 Array. This results in a non-optimum configuration of three spares
being allocated, when only two spares are required.
Figure 4-19 Graphical interface with non-optimum spare configuration

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