94 IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning
Figure 4-8 Merge Result
4.1.5 Disk Magic for open systems
In this section we do an overview of the more relevant dialog panels that Disk Magic presents
when doing an open systems modeling and we discuss what information to complete in those
panels. Here we start with a disk subsystem where the workload will be moving to, in this
case a DS6000.
Hardware configuration
Figure 4-9 on page 95 shows the Disk Subsystem - DSS1 dialog window with the DS6800
disk subsystem. The General tab is used to enter hardware information like the Hardware
Type (that basically identifies the
base model machine), as well as the cache and persistent
memory size information.
Chapter 4. Planning and monitoring tools 95
Figure 4-9 Disk Subsystem open systems dialog
Interfaces panel
Figure 4-10 on page 96 shows the panel where you define the interface connections used
between the server and the disk subsystem. If Remote Copy is used, you should define the
Remote Copy function used, the connection to the Remote Copy site, and the distance
between the Primary and Secondary site. Note that the distance here is defined in kilometers.
96 IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning
Figure 4-10 Interfaces panel open systems
Open Disk panel
Select Open Disk to enter the disk characteristics:
򐂰 Physical device type
DDM capacity in GB and RPM
򐂰 RAID type
򐂰 Total capacity in GB
Open systems workload
For an open systems modeling, you need to enter the workload statistics for every open
systems server on the Open Workload panel (see Figure 4-11 on page 97). This includes the
I/O Rate or the MB/s and also the average Transfer Size in KB for each I/O. The cache
statistics can be entered by clicking Cache Statistics and the Remote Copy percentages by
clicking Remote Copy.

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