74 IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Series: Performance Monitoring and Tuning
Example 3-11 LUN allocation from Extent Pool
dscli> lsextpool -l
Date/Time: 26 July 2005 6:33:42 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1301234
Name ID stgtype rankgrp status availstor (2^30B) %allocated available reserved numvols numranks
ITSO_P0 P0 fb 0 exceeded 773 0 773 0 0 1
dscli> mkfbvol -extpool p0 -cap 50 -name ITSO_50GB_#h 0001
Date/Time: 26 July 2005 6:35:12 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1301234
CMUC00025I mkfbvol: FB volume 0001 successfully created.
dscli> lsextpool -l
Date/Time: 26 July 2005 6:35:23 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1301234
Name ID stgtype rankgrp status availstor (2^30B) %allocated available reserved numvols numranks
ITSO_P0 P0 fb 0 exceeded 723 6 723 0 1 1
3.5.8 Preferred paths
See also 2.10.4, “Preferred Path” on page 49.
In the DS6000, host ports have a fixed assignment to a server (or controller card). In other
words, all data traffic that uses its preferred path to a server avoids having to cross through
the DS6000 inter-server connection to the other server. There is a small performance penalty
if data from a logical volume managed by one server is accessed from a port that is located
on the other server. The request for the logical volume and the data would have to be
transferred across the bridge interface that connects both servers. These transfers add some
latency to the response time. Furthermore, this interface carries other communication traffic
between the servers, such as being used to mirror the persistent memory and for other
inter-server communication. It could become a bottleneck if too many normal I/O requests
also run across it, although it is a high bandwidth, low latency, PCI-X connection.
Open systems hosts should ensure that they use multipath management software such as
IBM’s Multipath Subsystem Device Driver (SDD) that recognizes this preferred path usage
and can preferentially direct I/O requests to the preferred path.
When assigning host ports for open systems usage, always consider preferred pathing,
because the use of non-preferred paths will have a performance impact on your DS6000.
z/OS users already have this preferred path management capability inherent in the z/OS
operating system.
3.6 Performance and sizing considerations
To determine the most optimal DS6000 layout, the I/O performance requirements of the
different servers and applications should be well understood before you start designing the
disk subsystem configuration. These requirements will play a large part in dictating both the
physical and logical configuration of the disk subsystem.
3.6.1 Workload characteristics
The answers to questions like how many host connections do I need?, and how much cache
do I need?
and the like, always depend on the workload requirements (such as, how many
I/Os per second per server, how many I/Os per second per gigabyte of storage, and so forth).
Attention: It is important to balance the allocation of your logical volumes across both
storage servers (server0 and server1) to reduce the potential for I/O imbalance.

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