100 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Version 5.3 Technical Workshop Presentation Guide
5.5 Activity log
Figure 5-6 Activity log report
You can customize the Activity Log report by using the Search and Filter tabs:
򐂰 Search tab: You can enable pattern matching to search for a specific message number,
search string, originator (all, client, or server), session, node name, client owner or
schedule name.
򐂰 Filter tab: This tab allows you to enable message filtering. You can add messages that
you do not want displayed in your activity log query by either typing the actual message or
the message name. You can also narrow down messages by category, choosing not to
display information, warning, or error messages.
International Technical Support Organization
© 2005 IBM Corporation
IBM ITSO – International Technical Support Organization
Operational Reporting
Activity log report

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