Chapter 3. Gateway development 65
3.6.1 Transferring file inbound
The transfer inbound is performed using ftp. The configuration file is provided in
Example 3-5 on page 54. The audit log contains information about the files that
are transferred, Example 3-15 contains the audit log (we strip out the time stamp
for clarity).
Example 3-15 The inbound file transfer audit log
PIF module in use PIF_Handler
Start Transfer Engine: IN
Processing Transfer rule Transfer files in
TransferEngine::Ftp: Getting files
TransferEngine::Ftp File transfered
Finished Transfer rule result 1
Finished Transfer Engine: IN
The processing log message is listed in Example 3-16. We use the most detailed
level of detail (LOGLEVEL=5). We also strip out the time stamp for clarity.
Example 3-16 The inbound file transfer message log
5 lock_process
A PIF module in use PIF_Handler
3 Loader dir size utility not configured
A Start Transfer Engine: IN
A Processing Transfer rule Transfer files in
5 TransferEngine: PROTOCOL is ftp
4 TransferEngine: Protocol is ftp
5 Checking optional TIMEOUT which can be type SCALAR
5 Checking optional OVERWRITE_FILES which can be type SCALAR
5 Checking optional TMP_FILENAME_EXTENSION which can be type SCALAR
5 Checking optional PING_RETRY_ATTEMPTS which can be type SCALAR
5 Checking optional RETRY_INTERVAL which can be type SCALAR
5 Checking optional PING_PROTOCOL which can be type SCALAR
5 Returning 0 errors from configuration check
A TransferEngine::Ftp: Getting files
5 Time stamp file ./.timestamp_in doesn't exist
5 TransferEngine::Ftp: set transfer mode to binary
5 Transfer - created connection to
5 Transfer files in /code/motorola-ggsn-source since
5 Slept for 0 seconds
5 dir_ent:
66 IBM Tivoli Netcool Service Quality Manager Data Mediation Gateway Development
-rwx------ 1 0 0 1787 Jan 13 17:49
1 TransferEngine::Ftp: Getting files and modification times
5 Processing file
5 File
.csv mod time 1231868953 size 1787
5 Getting the files now...
5 Matched file
.csv to type CSV
4 TransferEngine::Ftp Starting copy
A TransferEngine::Ftp File transfered
5 Setting new modtime 1231868953 for /code/motorola-ggsn-source
5 Writing out new modification time
A Finished Transfer rule result 1
4 TransferEngine:: DIRECTION IN - copied 1 files
A Finished Transfer Engine: IN
The file transfer stores the file time stamp information in a file. It is used to avoid
reprocessing the file. For the inbound transfer, the file is called .timestamp_in, as
specified in the rule definition. Example 3-17 shows the .timestamp_in file with
one entry.
Example 3-17 The .timestamp_in file
$mod_time = {
'/code/motorola-ggsn-source' => {
'PREV_FILES' => {},
'LAST_TIME' => '1231868953',
2.csv' => '1787'

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