34 IBM Tivoli Netcool Service Quality Manager Data Mediation Gateway Development
2.4.9 JOIN
The JOIN rule merges two PIF files into a single file based on matching file
names and matching counters. The process is shown in Figure 2-10. We advise
using the OUTPUT_FILENAME_START as well so the file name does not start
with a hyphen (-).
Figure 2-10 JOIN operation
The required parameters are:
Source counters for joining the files
Output data block name
The optional parameters are:
This is a prefix to use on the output file name.
This is a list of counter names to use to construct the
output file name.
This is the amount of time a PIF file waits for its partner
Hostname Port numfail tot_req resp
Server1 80 5 51 3.24
Server2 80 3 20 3.13
Server2 21 4 14 4.33
Server1 8080 1 24 2.12
INPUT_FILE_DESCRIPTION => ['^JOIN1.pif$','^JOIN2.pif$' ],
COUNTERS_TO_JOIN_ON => [ 'Hostname','Port' ],
OUTPUT_BLOCK_NAME => 'joindata',
PRODUCE_PIF => "true",
Hostname Port numfail tot_req
Server1 80 5 51
Server2 80 3 20
Server2 21 4 14
Server1 8080 1 24
Hostname Port resp
Server1 80 3.24
Server2 80 3.13
Server1 8080 2.12
Server2 21 4.33

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