38 IBM Tape Solutions for Storage Area Networks and FICON
automatically inserted and becomes a node on the loop, if valid Fibre Channel data is
received from the device.
3.5 IBM TotalStorage SAN Switch F08
IBM introduces a new entry-level model of the IBM TotalStorage SAN Switch F08 (3534-F08).
It has 2 Gigabit Fibre Channel performance and additional functions to support the storage
networking demands for throughput and management controls. Based on the Brocade
SilkWorm 3200, the IBM TotalStorage SAN Switch Model F08 is an 8-port Fibre Channel
switch based on a new generation of switch technology. It is designed to provide 2 Gbps
port-to-port throughput with auto-sensing capability for connecting to existing 1 Gbps host
servers, storage, and switches, in a smaller 1U form factor. It requires half the space of the
previous 2109-S08 8-port SAN Switch. The new model is fully interoperable with the current
IBM 2109 SAN Switches (Models S08, S16, and F16).
The F08 extends the broad range of scalable SAN connectivity solutions available from IBM
for a wide variety of host and storage types. Figure 3-4 shows San Switch F08.
Figure 3-4 IBM TotalStorage SAN Switch F08
The F08 is designed to provide:
򐂰 Eight nonblocking ports, each with full-duplex throughput at either 2 Gbps or 1 Gbps
򐂰 Auto-sensing ports that self-negotiate to the highest speed supported by the attached
server, storage, or switch
򐂰 Hardware zoning controlled at the port level, and software zoning controlled at the
worldwide name level
򐂰 Support for high-speed data traffic with the Performance Bundle feature, which provides
interswitch link (ISL) trunking and performance monitoring (Up to four ISLs can be
combined for throughput capability of up to 8 Gbps.)
򐂰 Cascading support for flexibility in creating scalable fabric topologies
򐂰 The IBM TotalStorage SAN Switch Specialist, which provides a comprehensive set of
management tools that support a Web browser interface for flexible, easy-to-use
The F08 supports Fibre Channel connectivity for the following servers:
򐂰 IBM Eserver pSeries® and selected RS/6000® servers
򐂰 xSeries and select Netfinity® servers
򐂰 IBM TotalStorage Network Attached Storage 300G
򐂰 Other Intel-based servers with Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000
򐂰 Selected Sun and HP servers
The F08 supports Fibre Channel connectivity for the following servers storage systems:
򐂰 IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server (ESS)
򐂰 IBM FAStT Family of Storage Servers
򐂰 IBM Magstar 3590 Subsystems and 3494 Tape Libraries

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