IBM System Blue Gene Solution: Hardware Installation and Serviceability

Book description

This IBM Redbooks publication is the second book in a series of IBM publications written specifically for the IBM System Blue Gene Solution, Blue Gene/L, which was developed by IBM in collaboration with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). This book focuses on the physical installation and hardware maintenance of the system.

More specifically, in the first part of the book, we take you through the steps to place the Blue Gene/L racks and bolt them together. Then we explain the process of cabling the various networks on the system. The second half of the book focuses on powering off the system and then powering it back on, preparing the system for service, and replacing some of the parts.

Table of contents

  1. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  2. Preface
    1. The team that wrote this book
    2. Become a published author
    3. Comments welcome
  3. Part 1: Installing and cabling Blue Gene/L
  4. Chapter 1: Installing the Blue Gene/L racks
    1. 1.1: Rack placement
    2. 1.2: Attaching the right plenum
    3. 1.3: Attaching the ac line
    4. 1.4: Attaching the middle plenum
    5. 1.5: Attaching additional racks
    6. 1.6: Installing dampers
    7. 1.7: Attaching the data cable finger brackets
    8. 1.8: Installing the bulk power modules
  5. Chapter 2: Cabling Blue Gene/L
    1. 2.1: Data network
      1. Data cables
      2. Attaching data cables
      3. Pillory block brackets
    2. 2.2: Service network
      1. Rack Ethernet
      2. Midplane Ethernet
    3. 2.3: Clock network
    4. 2.4: Functional network
  6. Part 2: Power and parts replacement
  7. Chapter 3: Cycling power on Blue Gene/L
    1. 3.1: Cycling power on smaller systems
      1. Powering down a Blue Gene/L rack
      2. Powering up a Blue Gene/L rack
    2. 3.2: Cycling power on large systems
      1. Powering down a large Blue Gene/L system
      2. Powering up a large Blue Gene/L system
  8. Chapter 4: Parts replacement
    1. 4.1: General rules
    2. 4.2: Service actions
      1. PrepareForService command
      2. EndServiceAction command
      3. Service Actions interface on the Blue Gene Navigator
      4. Bare-metal processes
    3. 4.3: Hardware replacement
      1. Bulk power module replacement
      2. Fan replacement
      3. Replacing a node card, I/O nodes, and compute nodes
      4. Service cards
      5. Electromagnetic compatibility covers
      6. Link card
      7. Midplane replacement
  9. Appendix A: Statement of completion
  10. Appendix B: Part specifications: Assembly screws
  11. Appendix C: Electromagnetic compatibility
  12. Appendix D: Blue Gene/L safety considerations
    1. Important safety notices
    2. Stability and weight
    3. Circuit breakers
    4. Ac terminal blocks
    5. Line cord retention
    6. Bulk power module bay
    7. Cover access
    8. Fan assembly/cards
  13. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks publications
    2. Online resources
    3. How to get IBM Redbooks publications
    4. Help from IBM
  14. Glossary (1/2)
  15. Glossary (2/2)
  16. Index
  17. Back cover

Product information

  • Title: IBM System Blue Gene Solution: Hardware Installation and Serviceability
  • Author(s): James Milano, Gary L. Mullen-Schultz, Gary Lakner
  • Release date: June 2007
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: None