60 IBM PureFlex System and IBM Flex System Products and Technology
4.1.1 Front of the chassis
Figure 4-3 shows the bay numbers and air apertures on the front of the Enterprise Chassis.
Figure 4-3 Front view of the Enterprise Chassis
The chassis has the following features on the front:
򐂰 The front information panel on the lower left of the chassis
򐂰 Bays 1 - 14 supporting nodes and FSM
򐂰 Lower airflow inlet apertures that provide air cooling for switches, CMMs, and power
򐂰 Upper airflow inlet apertures that provide cooling for power supplies
For efficient cooling, each bay in the front or rear in the chassis must contain either a device
or a filler.
The Enterprise Chassis provides several LEDs on the front information panel that can be
used to obtain the status of the chassis. The Identify, Check log, and the Fault LED are also
on the rear of the chassis for ease of use.
Bay 1
Bay 3
Bay 5
Bay 7
Bay 9
Bay 11
Bay 13
Bay 14
Bay 12
Bay 10
Bay 8
Bay 6
Bay 4
Bay 2
Upper airflow inlets
Lower airflow Inlets
Information Panel

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