One of the key functions that the data network supports is discovery of operating systems on
the various network endpoints. Discovery of operating systems by the FSM is required to
support software updates on an endpoint such as a compute node. The FSM Checking and
Updating Compute Nodes wizard assists you in discovering operating systems as part of the
initial setup.
3.2 Chassis Management Module
The CMM provides single-chassis management, and is used to communicate with the
management controller in each compute node. It provides system monitoring, event
recording, and alerts, and manages the chassis, its devices, and the compute nodes. The
chassis supports up to two chassis management modules. If one CMM fails, the second CMM
can detect its inactivity, activate itself, and take control of the system without any disruption.
The CMM is central of the management of the chassis, and is required in the Enterprise
The following section describes the usage models of the CMM and its features.
For more information, see 4.8, “Chassis Management Module” on page 82.
3.2.1 Overview
The CMM is a hot-swap module that provides basic system management functions for all
devices installed in the Enterprise Chassis. An Enterprise Chassis comes with at least one
CMM, and supports CMM redundancy.
The CMM is shown in Figure 3-2
Figure 3-2 Chassis Management Module
Tip: If you want, the management node console can be connected to the data network for
convenient access.

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