5.4.4 Front panel
The front panel of Power Systems compute nodes has the following common elements, as
shown in Figure 5-35.
򐂰 USB 2.0 port
򐂰 Power control button and light path LED (green)
򐂰 Location LED (blue)
򐂰 Information LED (amber)
򐂰 Fault LED (amber)
Figure 5-35 Front panel of the IBM Flex System p260 Compute Node
The USB port on the front of the Power Systems compute nodes is useful for various tasks.
These tasks include out-of-band diagnostic procedures, hardware RAID setup, operating
system access to data on removable media, and local OS installation. It might be helpful to
obtain a USB optical (CD or DVD) drive for these purposes, in case the need arises.
Tip: There is no optical drive in the IBM Flex System Enterprise Chassis.
USB 2.0 port Power button LEDs (left-right):
location, info, fault
202 IBM PureFlex System and IBM Flex System Products and Technology
The power-control button on the front of the server (Figure 5-35 on page 201) has two
򐂰 When the system is fully installed in the chassis: Use this button to power the system on
and off
򐂰 When the system is removed from the chassis: Use this button to illuminate the light path
diagnostic panel on the top of the front bezel, as shown in Figure 5-36
Figure 5-36 Light path diagnostic panel
The LEDs on the light path panel indicate the status of the following devices:
򐂰 LP: Light Path panel power indicator
򐂰 S BRD: System board LED (might indicate trouble with processor or MEM, too)
򐂰 MGMT: Flexible Support Processor (or management card) LED
򐂰 D BRD: Drive (or direct access storage device (DASD)) board LED
򐂰 DRV 1: Drive 1 LED (SSD 1 or HDD 1)
򐂰 DRV 2: Drive 2 LED (SSD 2 or HDD 2)
If problems occur, the light path diagnostics LEDs assist in identifying the subsystem
involved. To illuminate the LEDs with the compute node removed, press the power button on
the front panel. Pressing this button temporarily illuminates the LEDs of the troubled
subsystem to direct troubleshooting efforts.
Typically, you can obtain this information from the IBM Flex System Manager or Chassis
Management Module before removing the node. However, having the LEDs helps with repairs
and troubleshooting if on-site assistance is needed.
For more information about the front panel and LEDs, see the IBM Flex System p260 and
p460 Compute Node Installation and Service Guide available at:

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