Book description
The IBM eServer xSeries 455 is the second-generation Enterprise X-Architecture server using the 64-bit IBM XA-64 chipset and the Intel Itanium 2 processor. Unlike the x450, its predecessor, the x455 supports the merging of four server chassis to form a single 16-way image, providing even greater expandability and investment protection.
This IBM Redbooks publication is a comprehensive resource on the technical aspects of the server, and is divided into five key subject areas:
--Chapter 1, “Technical description”, introduces the
server and its subsystems and describes the key features and how
they work.
--Chapter 2, “Positioning”, examines the types of
applications that would be used on a server such as the x455.
--Chapter 3, “Planning”, describes the considerations
when planning to purchase and planning to install the x455.
--Chapter 4, “Installation”, covers the process of
installing Windows Server 2003, SuSE Linux Enterprise Server, and
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS on the x455.
--Chapter 5, “Management”, describes how to use the
Remote Supervisor Adapter to send alerts to an IBM Director
management environment.
Table of contents
- Notices
- Preface
- Chapter 1: Technical description
- Chapter 2: Positioning
- Chapter 3: Planning
Chapter 4: Installation
- Using The Extensible Firmware Interface
- Configuring scalable partitions
- Installing Windows Server 2003
Installing Linux
- Linux IA-64 kernel overview
- Choosing a Linux distribution
- Installing SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8.0
- Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS
- Linux boot process
- Information about the installed system (1/2)
- Information about the installed system (2/2)
- Using the serial port for the Linux console
- RXE-100 Expansion Enclosure
- Upgrading drivers
- Chapter 5: Management
- Abbreviations and acronyms
- Related publications
- Index (1/2)
- Index (2/2)
- Back cover
Product information
- Title: IBM eServer xSeries 455 Planning and Installation Guide
- Author(s):
- Release date: February 2004
- Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
- ISBN: None
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