Hybrid Animation

What and Why?

FIGURE 1.1 2D character interacting with a 3D character, The Iron Giant

FIGURE 1.1 2D character interacting with a 3D character, The Iron Giant

The Iron Giant © Warner Bros., a division of Time Warner Entertainment Company, L.P. All Rights Reserved

What is Hybrid Animation?

Hybrid animation is the combination of 2D and 3D animation mediums. 2D and 3D animation mediums can be used, and are used, independently of one another. Pixar’s B.O.O.: Bureau of Other worldly Operations or Inside Out are completely 3D animated films. Disney’s Little Mermaid and Miyazaki’s (Studio Ghibli) The Wind Rises are completely 2D animated films.

Yet, ever since the first appearance of a 3D glowing bauble ...

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