
The fifth and final radar in the framework is “Remarkable”. Like the other radars, it takes insights from our employees' behaviour. However, unlike the other radars, its focus is not on understanding their behaviour. Rather, it is there to help us to better understand how we are designing and implementing our framework of rules.

The radar uses something we would probably otherwise not think to look at; rules where we find unexpected levels of noncompliance; either rules where noncompliance rates are unexpectedly high or unexpectedly low.

While rules with high levels of noncompliance in absolute terms will already be identified under “Rebellious”, “Remarkable” identifies rules that have unexpectedly low (or high) levels of noncompliance. In other words, levels of noncompliance that we weren't predicting.


There are two main reasons for looking at rules with “remarkable” levels of noncompliance:

The first is to assess the design effectiveness of our rules. By comparing how we thought a particular rule would “perform” with its actual “performance”, we can assess how effectively our rules have been designed.

The second is that it can help to sharpen our behavioural antennae. If we misjudge our employees' propensity to comply with a particular rule – by either over‐ or underestimating it – then understanding why can provide valuable insights.

Two Unspoken Truths

This radar builds on ideas we have explored throughout the ...

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