Human Resource Management

Book description

Human Resource Management presents multifaceted and all-inclusive information that will be useful to students of human resource management as well as practising human resource managers. Using a highly readable style and real-life examples from Indian organizations, the reader becomes conversant with the latest trends as well as the basics of the theory of human resource management.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Contents
  4. Dedication
  5. Preface
  6. Part I - Human Resource Management—A Conceptual Framework
    1. 1 - Introduction to Human Resource Management
      1. Introduction
      2. Meaning of Human Resources
      3. Uniqueness of Human Resources
      4. Objectives of HRM
      5. Scope of HRM
      6. Functions of HRM
      7. HRM and Personnel Management (PM)
      8. HRM as a Profession
      9. Qualities of an HR Manager
      10. Line Versus Staff Authority of HRM
      11. The Future Role of HRM
    2. 2 - Strategic Human Resource Management—A Framework
      1. Introduction
      2. Meaning of Strategic Human Resource Management
      3. Features of Strategic Human Resource Management
      4. Differences Between SHRM and HRM
      5. Models of Strategic Human Resource Management
      6. Terms in SHRM
      7. Steps in the Strategic Management Process
      8. Levels of Strategy
      9. Strategic Management and HRM
      10. Types of HR Strategies
      11. Benefits of a Strategic Approach to HRM
      12. Barriers to Effective SHRM
    3. 3 - The Evolution and Environment of Human Resource Management
      1. Introduction
      2. A Brief Outline of HRM
      3. The Human Resource Management Environment
      4. Environment Perspectives
      5. Environmental Scanning—An Over View
      6. The Environmental Scanning Process
  7. Part II - HR Procurement
    1. 4 - Job Analysis and Design
      1. Introduction
      2. Features of Job Analysis
      3. Important Terms in Job Analysis
      4. Goals of Job Analysis
      5. Job Analysis Process
      6. Techniques of Data Collection in Job Analysis
      7. Job Description
      8. Job Specification
      9. Challenges Affecting the Effectiveness of Job Analysis
      10. Job Design
      11. Environmental Influence on the Job Design
      12. Critical Components of Job Design
      13. Limitations of Job Design
      14. Recent Trends in Job Design
    2. 5 - Human Resource Planning
      1. Introduction
      2. Characteristics of Human Resource Planning
      3. Significance of Human Resource Planning
      4. Factors Affecting Human Resource Planning
      5. Human Resource Planning Process
      6. Requirements for Effective HR Planning
      7. Benefits of HR Planning
      8. Barriers to the HR Planning Process
    3. 6 - Recruitment
      1. Introduction
      2. Definitions of Recruitment
      3. Features of Recruitment
      4. Recruitment Policy
      5. Recruitment Organization
      6. Recruitment Process
      7. Steps in the Recruitment Process
      8. Sources of Recruitment
      9. Recruitment Practices in India
    4. 7 - Selection
      1. Introduction
      2. Differences Between Recruitment and Selection
      3. Phases of the Selection Process
      4. Employment Application Forms/Blanks
      5. Selection Tests
      6. The Selection Interview
      7. Strategy for an Effective Interview Process
      8. Weaknesses of the Interview Method
      9. Reference Checks
      10. Physical Examination
      11. Job Offer
      12. The Selection Process in India
    5. 8 - Orientation, Socialization and Placement
      1. Introduction
      2. Purpose of Employee Orientation
      3. Types of Orientation
      4. Process of Orientation Programme Development
      5. An Effective Orientation Programme
      6. Problems in Orientation
      7. Socialization
      8. Differences Between Orientation and Socialization
      9. The Socialization Process
      10. Dimensions of Organizational Socialization Strategies
      11. Placement
  8. Part III - Human Resource Development
    1. 9 - Career Planning and Guidance
      1. Introduction
      2. Features of Career Planning
      3. Objectives of Career Planning
      4. Important Terminology Used in Career Planning
      5. Process of Career Planning
      6. Responsibility for Career Planning and Development
      7. Merits of Career Planning
      8. Limitations of Career Planning
      9. Measures to Improve the Effectiveness of Career Planning
      10. Career Guidance
    2. 10 - Employee Training
      1. Introduction
      2. Significance of Employee Training
      3. Assessing Training Needs
      4. Scope of Training
      5. Steps in an Employee Training Process
      6. Methods of Training
      7. Audio-Visual Aids in Training
      8. Evaluation of a Training Programme
      9. Design of Evaluation Studies
      10. Effects to be Measured in Evaluation
      11. Issues in Training
      12. Conditions Necessary for an Effective Training Programme
      13. E-Learning—An Overview
    3. 11 - Management Development
      1. Introduction
      2. Significance of Management Development
      3. Goals of Management Development
      4. Steps in a Management Development Process
      5. Methods of Management Development
      6. Evaluation of the Development Programme
      7. Management Succession Planning
    4. 12 - Organizational Development
      1. Introduction
      2. Characteristics of Organizational Development
      3. Key Concepts in Organizational Development
      4. Objectives of Organizational Development
      5. The Organizational Development Process
      6. Approaches to the Study of Organizational Development
      7. Types of OD Intervention Programmes
      8. Benefits of OD Intervention Programmes
  9. Part IV - HR Evaluation and Compensation
    1. 13 - Performance Evaluation and Job Evaluation
      1. Performance Evaluation: An Introduction
      2. Performance Evaluation: An Overview
      3. Performance Management: An Overview
      4. Objectives of Performance Evaluation
      5. Uses of Performance Evaluation
      6. Determining the Criteria for Performance Evaluation
      7. The Process of Performance Evaluation
      8. Selection of the Evaluator for Conducting the Performance Evaluation
      9. Performance Evaluation Methods
      10. Issues in Performance Evaluation
      11. Steps to Overcome the Problems in the Evaluation Process
      12. The Post-Performance Evaluation Interview: An Overview
      13. Job Evaluation
      14. Characteristics of Job Evaluation
      15. Objectives of Job Evaluation
      16. The Job Evaluation Process
      17. Methods of Job Evaluation
      18. Benefits of Job Evaluation
      19. Limitations of Job Evaluation
      20. Measures to Enhance the Effectiveness of Job Evaluation
    2. 14 - Compensation Administration
      1. Introduction
      2. Objectives of Compensation Administration
      3. Types of Compensation
      4. Theories of Compensation
      5. Concept of Wages
      6. Pay Structure
      7. Factors Influencing Compensation (Wages and Salary) Administration
      8. Steps in Compensation Administration
      9. Challenges in Compensation Administration
      10. Executive Compensation
    3. 15 - Incentives and Benefits
      1. Introduction
      2. Objectives of Wage Incentives
      3. The Wage Incentive Planning Process
      4. Prerequisites for a Good Incentive Scheme
      5. Types of Incentive Schemes
      6. Evaluation of Wage Incentive Schemes
      7. Fringe Benefits
  10. Part V - HR Maintenance and Motivation
    1. 16 - Employee Well-Being
      1. Introduction
      2. Objectives for Providing Employee Safety
      3. Steps in an Employee Safety Programme
      4. Need for Employee Safety
      5. Essentials of an Effective Safety Programme
      6. Statutory Provisions Concerning Employee Safety and Health
      7. Behaviour-Based Safety Management and Approach
      8. Industrial Accidents
      9. Employee Health
      10. Stress
      11. Stress Management
    2. 17 - Employee Welfare and Social Security
      1. Introduction
      2. Features of Employee Welfare
      3. Objectives of Employee Welfare
      4. Types of Welfare Measures
      5. Employee Welfare Responsibility
      6. Theories of Employee Welfare
      7. Merits of Welfare Measures
      8. Limitations of Welfare Measures
      9. Social Security
    3. 18 - Workers’ Participation and Empowerment
      1. Introduction
      2. Features of WPM
      3. Objectives of WPM
      4. Levels of WPM
      5. WPM Methods
      6. Achieving WPM
      7. Essential Prerequisites for Effective WPM
      8. Significance of WPM
      9. Obstacles Faced by Effective WPM
      10. Employee Empowerment
    4. 19 - Job Rotations
      1. Introduction
      2. Characteristics of Promotion
      3. Objectives of Promotion
      4. Criteria for Promotion
      5. Kinds of Promotion
      6. Essentials of a Sound Promotion Policy
      7. Demotion
      8. Transfer
      9. Employee Separation
  11. Part VI - HR Integration
    1. 20 - Industrial Relations
      1. Introduction
      2. Characteristics of Industrial Relations
      3. Objectives of Industrial Relations
      4. Major Players in Industrial Relations
      5. Approaches to the Study of Industrial Relations
      6. Industrial Relations Trends
      7. Factors Influencing Industrial Relations
      8. Essentials of Effective Industrial Relations
    2. 21 - Discipline and Disciplinary Action
      1. Introduction
      2. Characteristics of Employee Discipline
      3. Objectives of Discipline
      4. Types of Discipline
      5. Symptoms and Causes of Indiscipline
      6. Types of Disciplinary Action
      7. Steps in Establishing a Disciplinary Action Procedure
      8. Essential Steps to Enhance the Effectiveness of Discipline Meetings
      9. Elements of a Good Disciplinary System
      10. Douglas McGregor's Hot Stove Rule of Discipline
      11. Code of Discipline
    3. 22 - Employee Grievances
      1. Introduction
      2. Characteristics of Grievances
      3. Sources of Grievance
      4. Techniques of Grievance Identification
      5. The Grievance Procedure
      6. Essentials of a Good Grievance Procedure
      7. Benefits of the Grievance Redressal Procedure
      8. Statutory Provisions Concerning the Grievance Redressal Procedure in India
      9. The Model Grievance Procedure
    4. 23 - Industrial Disputes and Collective Bargaining
      1. Introduction
      2. Characteristics of Industrial Disputes
      3. Objectives of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
      4. Causes of Industrial Disputes
      5. Types of Industrial Disputes
      6. Outcome of Disputes
      7. Investigation and Settlement of Disputes
      8. Collective Bargaining
      9. Classification of Collective Bargaining
      10. The Collective Bargaining Process
      11. Essentials of Effective Collective Bargaining
    5. 24 - Trade Unions
      1. Introduction
      2. Features of Trade Unions
      3. Objectives of Trade Unions
      4. Types of Trade Unions
      5. Trade Union Goal Accomplishment Strategies and Actions
      6. Why do Workers Join Trade Unions?
      7. History of Trade Unions
      8. Challenges Facing the Trade Union Movement
      9. Union-Free Organizations
  12. Part VII - HR Control
    1. 25 - Human Resources Audit
      1. Introduction
      2. Features of an HR Audit
      3. Objectives of an HR Audit
      4. Scope of an HR Audit
      5. Levels of an HR Audit
      6. Steps in an HR Audit
      7. Approaches to HR Auditing
      8. Essential Conditions for an Effective HR Audit
    2. 26 - The Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
      1. Introduction
      2. Objectives of an HRIS
      3. Components of an HRIS
      4. Types of HRIS
      5. Implementation of an HRIS
      6. Applications of an HRIS in Human Resource Management
      7. Benefits of an HRIS
      8. Conditions Essential for an Effective HRIS
    3. 27 - Human Resources Accounting
      1. Introduction
      2. Objectives of Human Resource Accounting
      3. Approaches to Human Resource Accounting
      4. Uses of Human Resource Accounting
      5. Weaknesses of Human Resource Accounting
  13. Part VIII - HR Special Topics
    1. 28 - Ethical Issues in Human Resource Management
      1. Introduction
      2. Types of Ethics
      3. Ethics and Human Resource Management
      4. Need for Ethical Policies and Codes
      5. Approaches to Ethical Issues in Organizations
      6. Factors Influencing Ethical Behaviour at Work
      7. Role of HRM in the Development of Ethical Behaviour
      8. International Business Ethics
      9. Guidelines for International Business Organizations on Ethical Issues
      10. Ethical Dilemma in Global Wage Payment
    2. 29 - International Human Resource Management
      1. Introduction
      2. Features of International HRM (IHRM)
      3. Differences Between IHRM and Domestic HRM
      4. Reasons for the Growth of IHRM
      5. Challenges Facing IHRM
      6. International HR Practices
      7. Strategic International Human Resource Management
      8. Cross-Culture Management in IHRM
      9. Factors Determining the Outcome of International Assignment of Employees
      10. List of Dos and Don'ts in Developing and Implementing Global HR Practices
  14. Notes
    1. Chapter 1
    2. Chapter 2
    3. Chapter 3
    4. Chapter 4
    5. Chapter 5
    6. Chapter 6
    7. Chapter 7
    8. Chapter 8
    9. Chapter 9
    10. Chapter 10
    11. Chapter 11
    12. Chapter 12
    13. Chapter 13
    14. Chapter 14
    15. Chapter 15
    16. Chapter 16
    17. Chapter 17
    18. Chapter 18
    19. Chapter 19
    20. Chapter 20
    21. Chapter 21
    22. Chapter 22
    23. Chapter 23
    24. Chapter 24
    25. Chapter 25
    26. Chapter 26
    27. Chapter 27
    28. Chapter 28
    29. Chapter 29
  15. Acknowledgements
  16. Copyright

Product information

  • Title: Human Resource Management
  • Author(s):
  • Release date: May 2010
  • Publisher(s): Pearson India
  • ISBN: 9788131724842