HTML5 Now: A Step-by-Step Video Tutorial for Getting Started Today

Book description

HTML5, touted as the most important change to the Web since the development of CSS, is now widely adopted by browser makers and supported by numerous hardware devices, including Apple iPhone and iPad and Google Android. Because implementation is so new, designers and developers are just cracking the surface as they begin using the markup language in existing or newly developed Web sites, and for designing across multiple platforms.

This 2½-hour training video with supporting 96 page reference guide containing code examples gives you a solid introduction to HTML5 and explains in detail how you can start using it today. Whether you’re an HTML standards advocate using mobile devices, a Flash developer wanting to pick up additional skills for your toolset, or simply taking your first steps in HTML5, by the end of this video you’ll have the most important information about HTML5 to use it now, including:

  • The key features that have changed in HTML5 and how to transition from HTML 4 and XHTML

  • New HTML5 improvements in semantics and interface elements such as forms

  • Support for native vector graphics, audio, and video

  • Progressive enhancement techniques that take advantage of new HTML5 semantics while keeping your content compatible 

  • Run time: 2h 43m 47s

    Table of contents

    1. HTML5 Now
      1. About the Author
      2. Image Credits
      3. 01. Introduction
      4. 02. Background: Where Did HTML5 Come From?
          1. From Evolution to Revolution and Back
          2. The “Great Web Schism” of 2004
          3. Microformats and the WHATWG
      5. 03. HTML5 Overview
          1. Adoption Strategy
      6. 04. HTML5 Basics
          1. HTML5 Now Text Conventions
          2. New Doctype
          3. Simpler Character Set Code
          4. HTML5 Exercise
          5. Your First HTML5 Document
      7. 05. HTML5 Transition
          1. Remove Presentational Markup
          2. Remove Failed Features
          3. Just for Compatibility
          4. Transitioning Your XHTML
            1. 1. Self-Close Empty HTML4 Tags
            2. 2. Always Use Quoted Attribute Values
            3. 3. Use Explicit Tags for a Consistent DOM
            4. Update Obsolete Markup
      8. 06. Notable Changes to HTML4 Features
          1. Semantic Refinements to HTML4 Elements
            1. Nestable <em>Phasis Elements
            2. The Importance of <strong>
          2. Semantic Recasting of HTML4 Elements
            1. <small> Disclaimers, Caveats, and Copyrights
            2. <i>nstances of Idioms and Taxonomic Terms
            3. <b>old Leads, Keywords, Products, and Other Stylistic Offsets
            4. <br>eaking Lines for Fun and Poetry
            5. <hr>Horizontal Rules and Thematic Breaks
          3. HTML Black Sheep Acknowledged
            1. The iframe Element
            2. The Embed Element
            3. The Target Attribute
            4. The Lists: Empty, Numbered, and Reversed
          4. Questionable HTML5 Restriction: The <cite> Element
      9. 07. HTML5 Flexibility, Universality, and Consistency
          1. Flexibility: Hyperlinks and Blocks
          2. Universality: Global Attributes
          3. Consistency: Media, Hreflang, Rel for All Links
      10. 08. Adopted From XHTML 1.1: Ruby
          1. Browser Support
      11. 09. Checkpoint: Validating HTML5
      12. 10. New HTML5 Semantics
          1. Markup Studies
          2. Standardized Page Structure
          3. Articles of Independence
          4. Tangential Asides
          5. Heading Groups: Two at a Time or Perhaps More
          6. Styling New Semantics: Introducing Bulletproof HTML5
            1. Bringing Back the Bulletproofing
          7. Figures, Marks, and Dates
            1. Pictures are Worth a Few Associated Words
            2. Marked Text
            3. Dates and Times
      13. 11. HTML5 Native Vector Graphics
          1. Inline SVG
          2. Canvas
          3. Browser Support
      14. 12. HTML5 Native Audio and Video
          1. Audio and Video Basics
          2. Supporting Multiple Formats
          3. Update on Browser Support and Formats
      15. 13. New HTML5 User Interface Elements
          1. New Form Inputs
            1. Search
            2. TEL, URL, Email
            3. Number
            4. Color
            5. Date and Time Inputs
            6. Browser Challenges
            7. The Autofocus, Required, and Placeholder Attributes
          2. Output and Details Elements
          3. Meter, Range, and Progress
      16. 14. The HTML5 Bleeding Edge
      17. 15. Checkpoint: Revalidate
      18. 16. Conclusion
          1. Keeping up with HTML5 Evolution
          2. More HTML5 Resources
          3. Help Improve HTML5 While Learning
          4. HTML5 Now

    Product information

    • Title: HTML5 Now: A Step-by-Step Video Tutorial for Getting Started Today
    • Author(s): Tantek Çelik
    • Release date: July 2010
    • Publisher(s): New Riders
    • ISBN: 9780132582193