Basic Table Tags

You can create a wide variety of tables with only five tags: the <table> tag, which encapsulates a table and its elements in the document's body content; the <tr> tag, which defines a table row; the <th> and <td> tags, which define the table's headers and data cells; and the <caption> tag, which defines a title or caption for the table. Beyond these core tags, you may also define and control whole sections of tables, including adding running headers and footers, with the <colgroup>, <col>, <tbody>, <thead>, and <tfoot> tags. Each tag has one or more required and optional attributes, some of which affect not only the tag itself but also related tags.

The <table> Tag

The <table> tag and its </table> end tag define and encapsulate a table within the body of your document. Unless you place them within the browser window by stylesheet, paragraph, division-level, or other alignment options, the browser stops the current text flow, breaks the line, inserts the table beginning on a new line, and then restarts the text flow on a new line below the table.

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