HTML and XHTML Step by Step

Book description

The smart way to learn HTML and XHTML—and begin creating Web pages—one step at a time! Work at your own pace through the easy numbered steps, practice files on CD, helpful hints, and troubleshooting help to learn the essentials of working with HTML and XHTML in Microsoft® Office Word 2003 and Microsoft Office FrontPage® 2003. You can learn to format text and apply colors, create hyperlinks and bookmarks, incorporate sound and video, set up lists and tables, create user forms, and work with Cascading Style Sheets. With STEP BY STEP, you can take just the lessons you need or work from cover to cover. Designed for beginning-level and intermediate-level users, STEP BY STEP lets you drive the instruction—building and practicing the skills you need, just when you need them!

Table of contents

  1. HTML and XHTML Step by Step
    1. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
    2. A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
    3. Getting Help
      1. Getting Help with The Book and Its CD
      2. Giving Feedback About the Book and Its CD
    4. Using the Book’s CD
      1. What’s on the CD?
      2. Minimum System Requirements
      3. Installing the Practice Files
      4. Using the Practice Files
      5. Uninstalling the Practice Files
    5. Conventions and Features
    6. About the Author
    7. Quick Reference
      1. Chapter 1 HTML and XHTML Basics
        1. To open a Web page in Notepad
        2. To preview a Web page in Microsoft Internet Explorer
        3. To save changes to a file in Notepad
      2. Chapter 2 Setting Up the Document Structure
        1. To specify a document type of transitional HTML 4.01
        2. To specify a document type of transitional XHTML 1.0
        3. To create the HTML section
        4. To create the Head section (within the HTML section)
        5. To create the Body section (within the HTML section)
        6. To create a body paragraph
        7. To create a line break
        8. To create a page title (within the Head section)
        9. To create metatag keywords (within the Head section)
        10. To redirect the page to another URL
        11. To set up a Web location for publishing a Web site
        12. To save from Notepad directly to a Web location
      3. Chapter 3 Formatting Text by Using Tags
        1. To create headings (any of six levels)
        2. To apply bold to text
        3. To apply italics to text
        4. To apply superscript to text
        5. To apply subscript to text
        6. To apply monospace font to text
        7. To use preformatted text
        8. To create a block quotation
        9. To change text viewing size in Internet Explorer
        10. To change the default font for Web text in Internet Explorer
      4. Chapter 4 Using Lists and Backgrounds
        1. To create an ordered (numbered) list
        2. To create an item within an ordered or unordered list
        3. To create an unordered (bulleted) list
        4. To create a definition list
        5. To insert common special characters
        6. To insert a horizontal line
        7. To apply a page background color
        8. To apply a foreground (text) color for the entire document
        9. To use a background image file
      5. Chapter 5 Creating Hyperlinks and Anchors
        1. To create a hyperlink
        2. To open the hyperlink in a new window
        3. To add a hyperlink to an e-mail address
        4. To create an anchor point
        5. To reference an anchor point in a hyperlink
      6. Chapter 6 Introduction to Style Sheets
        1. To apply a style to an individual tag (for example, <h1>)
        2. To create an internal style sheet for the document
        3. To create a style rule for a nested tag
        4. To create a formatting class
        5. To apply a formatting class to a tag
        6. To create a formatting ID
        7. To apply a formatting ID to a tag
        8. To create style rules for hyperlink formatting
        9. To create an external style sheet
      7. Chapter 7 Formatting Text by Using Style Sheets
        1. To assign a font
        2. To assign a font size
        3. To assign a font color
        4. To apply bold to text by using a style
        5. To apply italics to text by using a style
        6. To apply strikethrough to text
        7. To apply underlining to text
        8. To remove inherited text decoration
        9. To create an inline span
        10. To adjust spacing between letters
        11. To adjust spacing between words
      8. Chapter 8 Formatting Paragraphs by Using Style Sheets
        1. To apply a first-line indent
        2. To apply padding (space inside an element)
        3. To apply a margin (space outside an element)
        4. To apply a paragraph border
        5. To specify border attributes for all sides at once
        6. To format individual sides of a paragraph border
        7. To align a paragraph horizontally
        8. To specify vertical spacing within a paragraph (leading)
      9. Chapter 9 Displaying Graphics
        1. To insert an image
        2. To wrap text around an image and force the image to the left or right side of the screen
        3. To delay text vertically until it is clear of an earlier graphic
        4. To specify an image size
        5. To use a graphic as a hyperlink
        6. To include alternative text for an image
      10. Chapter 10 Creating Navigational Aids
        1. To create a text-based navigation bar
        2. To create a graphical navigation bar
        3. To create an image map (rectangular)
        4. To create an image map (circular)
        5. To create an image map (polygonal)
        6. To redirect a page to another URL
      11. Chapter 11 Creating Tables
        1. To create a table
        2. To specify the width of a table
        3. To specify the height of a table
        4. To specify the width of a column within a table
        5. To merge cells
      12. Chapter 12 Formatting Tables
        1. To apply a border to a table
        2. To assign a color to a table border
        3. To apply the width, color, and style of a border by using a single command
        4. To apply a border to only certain outer edges of a table
        5. To apply a border to specific inner edges of a table
        6. To apply background color to a table, row, or cell
        7. To apply foreground (text) color to a table, row, or cell
        8. To apply a background image to a table, row, or cell
        9. To set cell padding for the entire table
        10. To set cell padding for an individual cell
        11. To set cell spacing for the entire table
        12. To set horizontal alignment for a cell
        13. To set vertical alignment for a cell
        14. To create a column group
      13. Chapter 13 Creating Division-Based Layouts
        1. To create a division
        2. To float a division to the left or right
        3. To position a division absolutely with respect to the parent element
        4. To position a division offset from its natural position
        5. To position a division at a fixed location
      14. Chapter 14 Creating User Forms
        1. To create a user input form
        2. To send form results to an e-mail address
        3. To send form results to a CGI script
        4. To create a text box field in a form
        5. To create a multiline text area
        6. To create a Submit button
        7. To create a Reset button
        8. To create a check box
        9. To create a set of option buttons
        10. To create a menu
      15. Chapter 15 Using Frames for Layout
        1. Specify the document type for a frameset
        2. Create a frameset
        3. Specify the widths of the frameset columns
        4. Specify the heights of the frameset rows
        5. Provide a no-frames alternative in the frameset document
        6. Set the default target frame for all hyperlinks on a page
        7. Set the target to frame a hyperlink
        8. Set an inline frame
      16. Chapter 16 Incorporating Audio and Video
        1. To optimize the microphone recording level in Microsoft Windows
        2. To record narration by using Sound Recorder
        3. To create a hyperlink to an audio or video clip
        4. To embed an audio or video clip
        5. To embed a background sound (no controls)
      17. Chapter 17 HTML and Microsoft Word
        1. To save a Word document as a Web page
        2. To start a new Web page in Word
        3. To apply a style in Word
        4. To make more styles available in Word
        5. To insert a picture in Word
        6. To insert an e-mail hyperlink in Word
        7. To insert a Web hyperlink in Word
        8. To insert a horizontal line in Word
        9. To apply a formatting theme in Word
        10. To create a table in Word
      18. Chapter 18 HTML and Microsoft FrontPage
        1. To view the site’s navigational structure
        2. To change the view of a page
        3. To create a FrontPage Web site from a template
        4. Rename a page in the navigation structure
        5. To remove a hyperlink
        6. To start an empty Web site in FrontPage
        7. To create a new Web page within a site
        8. To apply a formatting theme in FrontPage
        9. To create a navigation bar based on the site structure
    8. I. Getting Started with HTML
      1. 1. HTML and XHTML Basics
        1. Understanding HTML and XHTML
          1. How HTML Works
          2. How XHTML Fits In
          3. How Cascading Style Sheets Work
        2. Selecting a Tool for Creating Web Pages
        3. Opening a Web Page in Notepad
        4. Previewing a Web Page in Internet Explorer
        5. Making, Saving, and Viewing Changes
        6. Key Points
      2. 2. Setting Up the Document Structure
        1. Specifying the Document Type
        2. Creating the HTML, Head, and Body Sections
        3. Creating Paragraphs and Line Breaks
        4. Specifying a Page Title and Keywords
        5. Publishing a File to a Server
        6. Key Points
      3. 3. Formatting Text by Using Tags
        1. Creating Headings
        2. Applying Bold and Italic Formatting
        3. Applying Superscript and Subscript Formatting
        4. Using Monospace and Preformatted Text
        5. Formatting a Block Quotation
        6. Configuring Internet Explorer View Settings
        7. Key Points
      4. 4. Using Lists and Backgrounds
        1. Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists
          1. Nesting Lists
          2. Changing the Bullet or Number Character
          3. Specifying the Start of a Numbered List
        2. Creating Definition Lists
        3. Inserting Special Characters
        4. Inserting Horizontal Lines
        5. Choosing Background and Foreground Colors
          1. Specifying Colors
          2. Applying a Background Color
          3. Applying a Foreground Color
        6. Specifying a Background Image File
        7. Key Points
      5. 5. Creating Hyperlinks and Anchors
        1. Hyperlinking to a Web Page
          1. Using Partial Paths and Filenames
          2. Using Relative and Absolute Paths
          3. Setting a Target Window
        2. Hyperlinking to an E-Mail Address
        3. Creating and Hyperlinking to Anchors
        4. Hyperlinking to Other Content
        5. Key Points
    9. II. Style Sheets and Graphics
      1. 6. Introduction to Style Sheets
        1. Understanding Styles
        2. Constructing Style Rules
        3. Creating Styles for Nested Tags
        4. Creating Classes and IDs for Applying Styles
        5. Applying Styles to Hyperlinks
        6. Creating and Linking to External Style Sheets
        7. Key Points
      2. 7. Formatting Text by Using Style Sheets
        1. Specifying a Font Family
        2. Specifying a Font Size and Color
        3. Applying Bold and Italics
        4. Applying Strikethrough and Underlining
        5. Creating Inline Spans
        6. Adjusting Spacing Between Letters
        7. Key Points
      3. 8. Formatting Paragraphs by Using Style Sheets
        1. Indenting Paragraphs
        2. Applying a Border to a Paragraph
          1. Specifying a Border Style
          2. Setting Border Padding
          3. Specifying Border Width and Color
          4. Formatting Border Sides Individually
          5. Setting All Border Attributes at Once
        3. Specifying the Horizontal Alignment of a Paragraph
        4. Specifying Vertical Space Within a Paragraph
        5. Key Points
      4. 9. Displaying Graphics
        1. Selecting a Graphics Format
        2. Preparing Graphics for Web Use
        3. Inserting Graphics
        4. Arranging Elements on the Page
        5. Controlling Image Size and Padding
        6. Hyperlinking from Graphics
        7. Utilizing Thumbnail Graphics
        8. Including Alternate Text for Graphics
        9. Key Points
    10. III. Page Layout and Navigation
      1. 10. Creating Navigational Aids
        1. Planning Your Site’s Organization
        2. Creating a Text-Based Navigation Bar
        3. Creating a Graphical Navigation Bar
        4. Creating an Image Map
        5. Redirecting to Another URL
        6. Key Points
      2. 11. Creating Tables
        1. Creating a Simple Table
        2. Specifying the Size of a Table
        3. Specifying the Width of a Column
        4. Merging Table Cells
        5. Using Tables for Page Layout
        6. Key Points
      3. 12. Formatting Tables
        1. Applying Table Borders
          1. Applying Borders by Using Arguments
          2. Applying Borders by Using Cascading Style Sheets
        2. Applying Background and Foreground Fills
        3. Changing Cell Padding, Spacing, and Alignment
          1. Setting Cell Padding
          2. Setting Cell Spacing
          3. Setting Horizontal and Vertical Alignment
        4. Applying Column-Based Formatting
        5. Key Points
      4. 13. Creating Division-Based Layouts
        1. Creating Divisions
        2. Positioning Divisions
          1. Floating a Division to the Right or Left
          2. Positioning a Division on the Page
        3. Formatting Divisions
        4. Key Points
      5. 14. Creating User Forms
        1. Creating a Basic Form
        2. Creating Check Boxes and Option Buttons
        3. Creating Menus
        4. Understanding CGI and Other Advanced Tools
        5. Key Points
      6. 15. Using Frames for Layout
        1. Understanding Frames and Framesets
        2. Creating Framesets
        3. Creating More Complex Layouts
        4. Setting a Hyperlink Target Frame
        5. Formatting Frames and Framesets
        6. Creating Inline Frames
        7. Key Points
      7. 16. Incorporating Audio and Video
        1. Planning for Audio and Video Usage
          1. Ways of Making Clips Available
          2. Common Clip Formats and Players
          3. Controlling File Size and Quality
          4. Finding Sound and Video Clips
        2. Recording an Audio Clip
        3. Linking to an Audio Clip
        4. Embedding an Audio Clip
          1. Using <embed>
          2. Using <object>
          3. Using a Background Sound
        5. Linking To or Embedding a Video Clip
        6. Key Points
    11. IV. Other Ways to Create HTML Code
      1. 17. HTML and Microsoft Word
        1. Understanding Word HTML Formats
        2. Creating a Web Page by Using Word
        3. Formatting a Web Page in Word
        4. Creating a Table-Based Layout in Word
        5. Key Points
      2. 18. HTML and Microsoft FrontPage
        1. Understanding FrontPage Hosting Requirements
        2. Creating a Web Site by Using a Template
        3. Creating a Web Site from Scratch
        4. Formatting a Site by Applying a Theme
        5. Creating a Shared Navigation Bar
        6. Key Points
    12. Glossary
    13. Index
    14. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly

Product information

  • Title: HTML and XHTML Step by Step
  • Author(s): Faithe Wempen
  • Release date: February 2006
  • Publisher(s): Microsoft Press
  • ISBN: 9780735622630