
Chapter 1

1 Often the original innovator fails to capture the market that it creates. For an excellent analysis of this phenomenon, see Markides, C.C., and P. A. Geroski. 2005. Fast second: How smart companies bypass radical innovation to enter and dominate new markets. Indianapolis: John Wiley & Sons.

2 Wylie, Ian. How Nokia has tackled the ultimate creative act: Building innovation into the company’s culture. Fast Company, Vol 70, May 2003; page 46.

3 Stevenson, Seth. 2002. I would like to buy the world a shelf-stable children’s lactic drink. The New York Times Magazine. March 10.

4 Tomkins, Richard. 2002. Added spice. The Financial Times. April 5.

5 Drucker, Peter F. 1998. The discipline of innovation. Harvard Business Review. November–December. ...

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