
My gratitude to Francesca Gambardella, Anneriëtte Rulkens, Riet Rulkens, Wim Rulkens, and Heidi Pozzo for their valuable comments and insights.

Thank you Alan Weiss for inspiring me to always think bigger.

I am very thankful to Jan-Willem Sanders: We share the same passion and excitement to help business leaders with an engineering background.

Thank you Paresh Bhakta, Marcel Berkhout, Stépan Breedveld, Jian, Aloys Krechting, Erik Oostwegel, Guus Pelzer, and Luca Rosetto for sharing your perspectives with me.

Deep appreciation goes to the wonderful BEP team: Charlene Kronstedt and Rob Zwettler.

My thanks to my editor Dorseda de Block, my graphic designer Marieke Dona, and my digital strategist Jan Scheele.

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