Book description
High definition is here to stay.HD changes the whole shooting and editing process in film and television production and this book is to satisfy your hunger for information. Whether you are a cinematographer, producer, or working in film/TV production, High Definition Cinematography, 2nd edition will demystitify the new technology, help you select the right cameras and equipment, and explain how high definition affects the shooting process and budgets. Filled with practical advice for tackling everyday decisions and choices, this is a necessity for you if you are using or considering using high definition technology.
Table of contents
- Cover
- Halftitle
- Dedication
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface
- About the Author
- Introduction
- Acknowledgments
- Part 1: High Definition: A Quick Overview
Part 2: Production Decisions
- 2 Which formats to shoot on?
- 3 Picture quality
- 4 Display quality
- 5 Delivery requirements
- 6 Sales potential
- 7 Cost implications
- 8 Crewing
- 9 Different shooting requirements
- Part 3: The Technology
Part 4: HD Cinematography
- 16 Lighting and exposing for HD
17 Setting the color balance
- 17.1 White balance
- 17.2 What is white balance?
- 17.3 Neutral density filters
- 17.4 A warning!
- 17.5 Setting the white balance using a white card
- 17.6 Setting the white balance using a colored card
- 17.7 Setting the white balance under fluorescent lighting
- 17.8 The outer filter wheel on a Sony HDW camera
- 17.9 Black balance
18 Lenses
- 18.1 How to choose a lens
- 18.2 Setting the back focus
- 18.3 Focusing the lens using back focus charts – Beware!
- 18.4 Back focusing using the oval rings chart
- 18.5 Comparative focal lengths
- 18.6 Depth of field
- 18.7 Calculating depth of field
- 18.8 Neutral density filters
- 18.9 Limiting apertures
- 18.10 Filtration
- 19 Monitors and cabling
- 20 Playback
- 21 Shipping
- 22 Multi camera shoots
- 23 Hazardous conditions
- 24 Camera supports
- 25 How HD affects other crafts
- 26 Troubleshooting
- Part 5: Examples of Shoots
Part 6: Post-Production
- 28 Post-production: an overview
29 The Sony HDW F500 VTR
- 29.1 VTRs in general
- 29.2 An overview of the HDW F500
- 29.3 Editing and playback
- 29.4 Simultaneous playback
- 29.5 Slow motion replay
- 29.6 High speed picture search
- 29.7 Digital jog sound
- 29.8 Vertical interval time-code read/write
- 29.9 The control panel
- 29.10 Remote control
- 29.11 In/out capacity
- 29.12 Optional plug-in boards
- 29.13 Cassettes
- 29.14 Changing the frame rate
- 29.15 Available frame rates
- 29.16 Power supplies
Part 7: Cameras
- 30 Cameras in general
- 31 The Arriflex D-20
- 32 The Dalsa Origin
- 33 The Panasonic VariCam: AJ-HDC27H
- 34 The Panavision Genesis
- 35 The Panavision HDW 900F
36 The Sony HDW F750P and the F730 HD cameras
- 36.1 Frame rates
- 36.2 The camera body
- 36.3 Add-in boards, etc.
36.4 Image control via the menus
- 36.4.1 Multi matrix
- 36.4.2 Auto tracing white balance
- 36.4.3 Color temperature control
- 36.4.4 Selectable gamma curves
- 36.4.5 RGB gamma balance
- 36.4.6 Variable black gamma range
- 36.4.7 Black stretch
- 36.4.8 Adaptive highlight control (auto knee mode)
- 36.4.9 Knee saturation function
- 36.4.10 The triple skin tone detail control
- 36.4.11 Level depend detail
- 36.5 Meta-data handling
- 36.6 The Sony Tele-File system
- 36.7 The optional HD SDI adapter
- 36.8 An overview
- 37 The Sony HDW F900R
38 The Thomson Viper HD camera
- 38.1 The camera body
- 38.2 Outputs from the camera
- 38.3 Recording a FilmStream signal
- 38.4 The Director’s Friend
- 38.5 The beam splitter
- 38.6 The Vipers CCD array
- 38.7 The mechanical shutter
- 38.8 Frame rates
- 38.9 Resolution
- 38.10 The cameras processor configuration
- 38.11 The camera back
- 38.12 The arguments for a logarithmic recording format
- 38.13 Lenses for the Viper
- 38.14 Monitors for the Viper
- 38.15 Camera accessories
- 38.16 Shipping the Viper
Part 8: Camera Menus
- 39 Menus in general
40 The HDW F900 menus
- 40.1 Using the menus
- 40.2 The Operation Menu
- 40.3 The Paint Menu
- 40.4 The Maintenance, File and Diagnostic Menus
- Index
Product information
- Title: High Definition Cinematography, 2nd Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: November 2012
- Publisher(s): Focal Press
- ISBN: 9781136054334
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