List of Figures
Chapter 1. Why Python?
Figure 1.1.’s download page
Figure 1.2. Are you sure you want to run this strange program from the internet? Yes!
Figure 1.3. Install Python for all users.
Figure 1.4. Choose Python’s location.
Figure 1.5. Choose which bits of Python you want.
Figure 1.7. Hooray! Python’s installed!
Figure 1.8. Here’s where Notepad lives.
Figure 1.9. The test program for Python
Figure 1.10. Save your test program to the desktop.
Figure 1.11. Run your script by double-clicking it.
Figure 1.12. Where the Windows command line lives
Figure 1.13. Windows doesn’t know where Python is!
Figure 1.14. Looking in your computer’s properties
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