Appendix B. Equation Table: Point of Reference

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It’s difficult to remember something when you’ve only seen it once. Equations are a major way of describing what’s going on in physics. Every time you use equations to help solve a problem, you naturally start to become familiar with them without the need to spend time doing rote memorization. But before you get to that stage, it’s good to have a place you can look up the equation you want to use. That’s what this equation table appendix is for - it’s a point of reference that you can turn to at any time.

Mechanics equation table

Equations of motion

“No displacement”

v = v0 + at

“No final velocity”

x = x0 + v0t + ½at2

“No time”

v2 = v02 + 2a(x - x0)


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Work and energy

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Circular Motion

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Simple Harmonic Motion

Force and spring constant

Fs = -kxv

Elastic potential energy of a spring

Us = ½kx2

Standard SHM equations take one of these forms for x, v and a (depending on ititial conditions)

x = x0sin(ωt)

x = x0cos(ωt)

Angular frequency for mass on a spring ...

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