Chapter 7. Building Supply Chain DApps with Hyperledger Fabric

In Part III, you learned how to develop, deploy, and test chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric. In this chapter, we will put all this information together to design and build a simple supply chain blockchain application called Pharma Ledger Network (PLN). This project will give you a taste of how blockchain enables global business transactions with greater transparency, streamlined supplier onboarding, better response to disruptions, and a secure environment. Specifically, the PLN project illustrates how blockchain can help manufacturers, wholesalers, and other supply chain members like pharmacies deliver medical supplies.

This chapter will help you achieve the following practical goals:

  • Designing a blockchain supply chain

  • Writing chaincode as a smart contract

  • Compiling and deploying Fabric chaincode

  • Running and testing the smart contract

  • Developing an application with Hyperledger Fabric through the SDK

Designing a Blockchain Supply Chain

The traditional supply chain usually lacks transparency and reliable reporting. Large organizations have built their own systems to enable global control of their daily operations while recording transactions between suppliers and distributors in real time. However, many small companies lack that information and have limited visibility to trace their products at any given moment. That means, in their entire supply chain product process flow (from production to consumption), ...

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